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  1. Hello I have issued a support tickt e-mail on 20th Feb and I have been waiting for more thank 2weeks, but still no support yet. Is this normal time flame ? I have checked my junk mail box as well. I am just wondering if this support system still working or not.. Do I have another way to get a support ? Thanks
  2. Thank you Litjan ! I will contact them.
  3. Hi Litjan Yes, I have selected that as well. I also tried to uninstall this program and download and install again. But the aircraft engines still not running. Im completely lost... Any advice or recomendation would appreciated.
  4. Do you mean the option "ready to fly "? If so, i have already selected it as the picture attached. or Am I missing something? I have chose "ready to fly" and RESTART, but the air craft was still dark and engine not running..
  5. Thank you for your advice. I have set this as "ready to fly" option and restarted, but it started withour engine running and all the instrument panel were dark.. No EADI, No EHSI, No engine instrument data. Not sure why. Do I need to set up other area? Many thanks in advance. 737.pdf
  6. Hi there, I installed IXEG 737 classic plus 1.5.2 into Xplane12. The aircraft was loaded ok but engine was not running. (i have set "ready to fly" from the menu) Is there any setting required to do this? Im new to xplane. Log.txt
  7. Thanks Litjan, I will contact the team then.
  8. Hi I am using xplane11 and would like to fly 737 classic, and found "Take Command!: IXEG 737 Classic Plus". But this is only for xplane12. is there anyway to get this older version which can use on xplane11? Many thanks in advance
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