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  1. Hi, i'am sure it will appear sooner or later in the 'Europe_Library'. @Tony Is it allowed to split the objects in various parts ?(canopy,fuel-pump,signs,building etc.) This would make a integration in the default autogen much easier . Only some additions to the library.txt in the 'Europe_Library' then . We can also patch the .ags to use the objects as a whole. But i think there are also other good candidates in the world-objects-lib and it is time to replace the existing .ags at all and make some new AG-sets for our region. Unfortunately , that takes some time .
  2. IMO , at this point , a fac/obj-set with basic (or most common) wall/roof colors to choose from should be enough. This makes new columns for roof / wall color in the csv necessary. Something which I would recommend anyway For automatic constructed object , a common palette for different wall- and roof-types could be a solution . (And then choosing the best match) This gives the possibility to fine-tune the palette without rebuild the whole world.
  3. Do you feed more then one tile at once to DSFTool ? I'll take a look in the xptools-code to determine what happens. Is it possible to attach the zipped raw txt-dsf which crashes DSFTool as a test case ? ( my PC is unable to run your app ; much to low RAM ) BTW: Is it easily possible to determine a string of objects with the same footprint? Maybe, this is already defined in OSM . This could make it possible to use .str-Placements . This could be a win for regions with a lot of small row-houses (eg. UK).
  4. only a thought , but for the meantime this could be a possible workaround You could split one tile in two ore more different [overlay-dsf] packages. e.g. north/south , buildings/ trees , 'must have' /'nice to have'
  5. This was a double post , unable to delete by myself. BTW: How can i delete a own post in this forum?
  6. - for type 1 facades , this two links can help to understand the concept : http://wiki.x-plane.com/Facade_Creation http://wiki.x-plane.com/Facade_Overview A little bit outdated but the basics hasn't changed. Also a look in the artwork shipped with XP can help. - for type 2 facades : Ben from LR has released some Blender-scripts . Not documented , but IMO the only way to create that kind of facades. http://developer.x-plane.com/2013/01/blender-2-49-scripts/ http://developer.x-plane.com/2013/04/scenery-tools-a-roundup/
  7. +1 for Tony is right . Absolutely nothing to say against this amount of flexibility . An impressive piece of work .
  8. + 1 for lib. 1.To make it possible for other packages to use the buildings , it needs the library anyway. Or you have to copy all objs and textures to all places . (Think about simheavens package-structure , autogen-mods like Europe-Lib, etc ) 2.Objects that have not been created yet can first obtain a virtual name with a temporary object assigned . The real obj can be added later without the dsf to recalculate. IMO , it's impossible to build all necessary types for all footprints all over the world in no-time. 3.The library also allows creating variants of the same types later . You can set a ratio for the variants. 4.That not breaks the intention to see a Swiss alpin hut only in the Switz , if it has a specific virtual path .
  9. XP 10.0 supports hardware instancing for objects . That extremely lower the drawing-costs of heavily repeated objects. Use 'global attributes' if necessary. Since i don't use Sketchup , i don't know if this a problem with your objects actually . But surely one thing to keep in mind.
  10. Hi tonywob , It seems missing artwork is the main issue . Therefore it is better you can use existing work. What about a spreadsheet holding the dates of possible objects and feeding it in your tool. A line could look like this: type width length height dx dy dr (origin deltas to center) object-path That could be filled manually or by parsing a library or a batch of object-files . BR mroe
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