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  • Birthday December 6

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  1. What am I not getting? When I have to fly a downwind entry to a VNAV approach, I have to be in Heading mode to fly parallel to the runway downwind. When I pass the FAF, I turn toward the the fix and, once pointing to it, I try to use the DIR button to go to the fix. And I select NAV and VNAV and APP. That's not working, the approach is not captured. What do I have to do and in which order. In my real life line flying, I could fly those once going direct to the FAF with the "dots connected", that is, no discos. Never a problem. So it's cool that this airplane works differently, but frustrating that I can't figure it out. These VNAV approaches seem to work for me when my route goes directly to the FAF without me having to ever get out of LNAV and into Heading mode. No doubt the airplane is fully able to do these from a downwind leg if the pilot knows how.
  2. I would! I really enjoy learning the Challenger. Since I was never "trained" on it, I am still a rank amateur, but hey, it's a lot of fun and learning. Actually after seeing that there is a check-box I didn't know about, I see that it is not a terrible problem. I just wasn't in the loop, so thank you. As you may have seen, no I failed to read that though it was right in front of my face. I did go back when it didn't work and see that it clearly stated, "restart"!
  3. Strange, it didn't fix mine... Oops, yes it did, I didn't restart X-Plane as instructed to effect changes.
  4. I found the Zink Plugin Bridge and unchecked the box. Still no avionics whatsoever. So the problem is elsewhere. Strange that I never had this issue previously, only after I upgraded to 12.1.0 (or whatever this latest update is numbered. EDIT! Duh, it said to re-start X-Plane! That DID fix it, and I appreciate the help guys.
  5. Thanks, I finally found it. I didn't know that setting existed, much less what it does, prior to looking into this glitch.
  6. Ok, I wasn't trying to be rude, but I wasn't sure how active is this site. I am surprised if, after the Beta period that I didn't participate in, no one noticed that the Challenger no longer worked? It makes me wonder if I made a mistake with the updating. However, my 737 still flies just fine. I am no software coder, I suppose I could go into the XPlane program files and look for the Zink Plugin and then, what, delete it? I had heard that typically, XP is pretty good about letting developers know what is coming in a major update, in order to prevent exactly this kind of problem. I am just a pilot who likes to fly the airplanes, so when glitches occur, it's difficult for me to guess where they're coming from. Perhaps Mr Toto has moved on to new projects?
  7. Is anybody home? I updated yesterday, July 9, 2024 to the newest version of XP12. Now, when I turn on the Batt switch, and start the APU and put it on its bus, no avionics come on. All the screens stay black. Well, that's a flight cancellation. I really have zero idea how to troubleshoot this issue, so of course I wonder if the new update caused a conflict with the Challenger systems? I would think this is a known issue since the airplane is now unflyable. But it's always possible that I somehow caused it. Oh, and I also fly my long time airplane IRL, the Zibo 737-800. It seems to work fine, no system problems evident. This makes me think that a conflict specific to the 650 is involved here.
  8. I am certainly no experienced, type-rated Ace of the Base in the 650. Can you guys tell me, for example, what are the principal causes of an ATS failure in the approach phase, established on the STAR? Yes, just happened to me trying to go into the RNAV RNP 21 approach to Scottsdale, KSDL. I really didn't know how to trouble shoot, and I just disconnected the ATs and managed to get a sort of ok landing. I like messing with this airplane and hope to slowly improve my limited skills. I sim several other airplanes so I am not in it every day. Anecdote: In that "other sim" I upgraded my Garmin 750 GTXNi, wanting to fly this same approach. I was chagrined to learn that the 750 and even the G-1000 no can do it. RNPs require the "Special Authorization". In the CL 650, the Collins handled it no problem, except I lost the ATS, which I have found is a typical mistake among new comers. If you can't do the RNAV RNP, you mostly ain't getting into KSDL except via a visual approach. There's a couple of other RNAV app's there but they don't align you well enough to have a runway number designation.
  9. Thanks, yes the 737 has the same feature. I will look for that runway extension box. I was going into Las Vegas Henderson (after I read that all the Super Bowl bound private jets are going to park there. They surprisingly have no approaches at all for their 2 south landing runways. Odd, since they have terrain on 3 sides.
  10. I'm still not as smooth in hand flying the Challenger as I am with the Boeing. But my question is: Can the FMC calculate/build a VNAV/LAV path to the runway as the airliners do for a runway with no published approaches? I would think the answer is yes? So, I select the runway from the box. Do I need to "build" a point on the visual approach path to the runway? And obviously I would need then to be in VNAV. What is the procedure for doing this in the Challenger?
  11. I have to apply for membership? I clicked on "download" and that's what comes up. Wrong?
  12. How do I download Fly With LUA and then how do I plug in this script? I think I had FWLUA on XP-11 but I forgot how I got it on there, and I don't remember much knowing what to do with it?
  13. Ok, well duh. When Pils typed "370" as if were three hundred and seventy feet, that jarred me. I went back to the perf menu and for cruise altitude, instead of typing in "370" as I did in the Boeing, I typed in FL370. Yep, that fixed the altitudes. I believe this one thing might solve VNAV in general. I saw in Pils video that he knows how to use the all the little pedestal display knobs better than I do. I haven't used the Jepp plates on screen, and displaying some of the other stuff would be helpful. Very happy to know why I couldn't see through the windshield. I will fix that right away. Yeah, once long ago I actually forgot the window heat at night. I discovered the error at the TOD and immediately turned it on because the whole windscreen was iced over. Nice move. The heat managed to melt a hole big enough to see through before the final approach. I never did that again, but unfortunately I still remember many of the mistakes I ever made while forgetting most of the things I did right.
  14. The Mach trim was an oversight. I should have seen the yellow alert. I will watch your video. Hopefully I will see you setting up something and think, "wow, I wasn't doing that". I realize this airplane ain't the one I'm accustomed to, but I can be trained if I see where the difference is. Thanks, would enjoy making this work.
  15. Well, here's what's happening, though pics may not be perfect. The photo that only shows the fmc on the bottom right is before takeoff. I was flying KCLE to KTEB, Cleveland to Teterboro in the snow at both ends. The arrival into TEB, similar to Newark, KEWR, doesn't have the crossing altitude restrictions built in, the pilot has to look at the plate and plug those in. So it had LVZ at 18000 and "Mugzy" at 6000. When I put those in, the fmc inserted 370, the cruising altitude, back inbetween them! Why would it do that? It does that again and again. What can cause this? I knew as soon as I saw that that the VNAV arrival was not going to work. Since I don't know what altitude the box should have put in there, I just typed in 18000B and 6000B respectively. That didn't work. In VNAV with the lower altitude in the window and no discontinuities to the runway, the airplane made the first restriction. But that's the only one it made, it did not even show my 6000 at Mugzi till I was past the FL180B fix. By then it would have been way too late to make that restriction. None of the lower altitudes on the ILS were made either, not by the FMC. I kept V/Sing them in there. Only on the final segment did the G/S arm. Anecdotally, I kept looking for the windshield wipers and the bird doesn't have any. Though looking from "outside" the plane, the visibility at TEB appeared to be over a mile, from the cockpit I could see nothing at all. The windshield heat was on HIGH. Since it's "only" a sim, I continued the APP to about 50 feet and used the FD depiction to flare the airplane, which worked. Something I have never done IRL of course. I've put some time into learning this little jet. Not like getting an actual type rating of course. Far from it. I don't have a procedures manual. I keep thinking that on some flight the light in my brain is going to come on and I'm going to realize what I am doing wrong. So far, not.
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