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Flyingjorts last won the day on November 18 2024

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  1. I am running a very CPU intensive set up. 3 tv’s 1440p, 2 800x600 monitors for PFD/MFD, and 2 RSG Garmin 430’s running RXP. Might have something to do with that. But like I said, in XP11 there’s no issues. My frame rate is fairly decent. Just the frame loss problem.
  2. Sure can! Thanks for the reply. Log.txt
  3. Here’s a little video FullSizeRender.MOV
  4. What kind of GPU do you have? I had a similar issue the other day. I was toying with the settings in the Radeon software (if you have AMD) and it broke Xplane 12 pretty bad. Had to restore the Radeon software to default settings and that fixed the issue.
  5. I can do that. Not a problem.
  6. Hello! Looking for some help. I have a torquesim SR20 entegra loaded in X-plane 12. I’m having some framedrop/stuttering issues. Was not a problem in 11 as far as I can tell. When the frame drops happen, I can see in the plug-in console that Gizmo64 is causing it. I’ve tried to install the latest beta of Gizmo to alleviate the problem, but I can not get it to connect to X-aviation. Can anyone help me with this issue? All help is really appreciated.
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