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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. We bid farewell to LN-KKW on its final flight which joins the National Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø, Norway. As we phase out the last of our Boeing 737-300s, our fleet continues to modernise with brand new, state-of-the-art aircraft making our fleet one of the youngest in Europe with an average age of four years




  2. Good to know, we are developing the Dash8-100 and 200 and we will get the point where we would need to use either Gizmo or SALS i recond. But what can Gizmo do exactly? Is it like EFIS ground radar etc?

  3. I take it this is best answered by you Ben!

    What is Gizmo plugin and what does it do

    What is DRM and why is it connected to Gizmo?

    Why are 3rd party using Gizmo required to use X-PILOT as support forum and X-Aviation as store?

    And while I am at it Ben, not related but are you familiar with Tessellation (OpenGl) ? I know this is something that may be included in X-Plane in the near future, accordin to Austin and Ben Supnik that is?

  4. Funny but also nice.....

    Keep getting this email message every week, and each week it says 39 days. Å cool feature from the story, especially when one cannot decide weither to trow money away once again or not....

    Because you have already purchased a previous version of SkyMaxx Pro you are entitled to a 50% discount to upgrade to the new version! Please remember you will have only 39 days from today to take advantage of the discounted upgrade offer. After this time the discount code will be disabled

    Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk

  5. Excellent news, besides the paid update. But guess you guys need to make some money too.

    Just a short question if I may, did you manage to fix the transitions between changing weather or does it still flicker when weather is changed.


    From the video provided it seems to be a very smooth version you guys are now releasing?


    Last but at least, how do I get new download links for V2, and what version is the latest?

  6. Bought it today and I must confess it is ok. Just something I do hope you will fix later on.


    1. In cockpit, it is silent which is good, but you should hear airport ambience when you open a window or a door. That would have been cool


    2. There is some bugs in the "location" algorithm for sound, where things switches between the different sound classes. 

    I will post a video on this matter soon showing my point.


    3. It seems to have no effect on FPS, so that is just excellent.



    Congratulations on an excellent idea and package!

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