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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. I was wondering if there is a way to make an model in scetchup and then export it to be used in X-plane 10 with textures.

    I have managed to make a model, import it to x-plane but without textures.

    What kind of texture should one use? jpg, png, dds, bmp

    Should you use the plugin or just export it through Sctechup pro v8

    It seems what ever I do the textures applied in Scetchup will not follow into XP10?



  2. And I quote the reporter in the segment in regards to the alledged wrong tiers "that will teach them" stating further that several foregin drivers do not chain up their trucks here in Norway in the winter, this is a fact for sure.

    Worst part is, they do not learn either, well except from the one in this footage, he will hopefully learn.

    But we see it every winter, either the truck slides of the road, or it is stuck in the midle of the hill climb, even sliding back down is seen in the news every winter.

    My advice, chain up or give up trucking.

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