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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. You might be on to something there, but colors in glaciers are not all the visible from the air but rather light dependant during the course of daylight.

    I have walk several times on glacier here in Norway, and I can honestly say that it is not many times I have seen coloring except from underneath the galcier it self



    But anyway, in game I think you are allmost there, purhaps a slight less saturation on the cyan?



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  2. File Name: Yellow Runway Markings

    File Submitter: Tom Knudsen

    File Submitted: 16 Mar 2013

    File Category: Misc Scenery Resources

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10

    This package includes modified default texture for X-Plane 10
    All runway textures are default size and performance wise no different than the originals.

    The color schematics are yellow in order to supplement those airports that uses such type of markings, normally found in Norway.
    Keep in mind, this is an global adjust, so yellow markings will show in other places than just Norway. This is due to how x-plane is build!

    This is an alternative package to the X-Plane 10 default version white.

    What is new in 1.4

    Correct color schematics, adjusted after sampling real pictures

    Click here to download this file

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