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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Ok so I finally go around to purchase this new "wonderful" thing everybody is talking about and I have now tested it greatly and in depth. I have tried with everysetting possible and every colorscheme including my own.


    And here is my verdict



    First off, here are my final settings




    Now there is some bugs in the program show clearly here




    And I am now missing night texture (Not using HDR) 

    - By missing meaning my night is not all black, while facing the sun (wich btw is still up and we do not have midnight sun either he he)


    PS.. Did you notice the frames?


    Besides this minor things I am very impressed so far and There is nothing wrong with the performance both with or without weather


    Clear Sky



    And clouds + HD Mesh v2 + traffic + skymaxx





    So all in all, well done John I am truly impressed so far and very happy, but then you did know that in advanced right :)



    I will eat my hat and then some..   ( Did not see my texture included as you indicated that you would???)




  2. You cannot simulate clouds from a time laps video, even though you fly at 300 knots you will not see any clouds rotating. The expand and retract but never spin except in vortexes or turbulence. To understand how clouds move, one needs to understand wind, pressure, temperature and dewpoint. I will not conclude knowing either of those, but I do firmly believe you cannot see rotating clouds in the sky

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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  3. Version 2 is OUT

    1.WHAT NEW?

    +Camera Shake effect
    +Hold (Computed Hold) function add to FMGS
    +Full custom PFD (Yes, many people ask!)
    +ISIS (electronic standby at front panel)
    +Full custom Autopilot
    +DCDU at front panel (show metar info for DEP and ARR airports)
    +Dynamic Rain effect (FPS friendly) at cockpit windows
    +FollowMe car will integrated to distributive pack
    +STBY Compass
    +Oxy masks
    +ILS RAW DATA approach
    +Possible to set your own plate nomber with plate.txt file




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