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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. I don't exactly understand what you are asking about? What shall be affected by flatten?

    The "basement" of buildings is there to make them look more natural (and not seem like floating partly in the air), when parts of them would hang in the air because of sloped terrain. That works everywhere ... what ever the reason of sloping under them would be.

    Well that explained it, thx

  2. Looks much better!

    And its a good idea to make it "deep" (I usually go to 8-10m) .... it makes you safe even on steeper terrain (and you never lnow in advance, where those OSM objects end up in the X-Plane mesh world :D ). And the wider the object is, the deeper the basement should be (just plain trigonometry: the longer the "overhang", the higher it "floats").

    Will this be affected near airports when fatten is used?


    Sorry for not getting back sooner. Performance is something that's a problem in big cities, and at the moment I'm experimenting with different LODs for different building sizes. This should help somewhat. But I'm open to ideas if anyone has any :-).


    LOD will do it, at least if you get it down to about 10-15000 feet

    Building exclusion is also something to look at, not every facade is worth having shown, such as billboards ads, etc.

  4. I would never believe I would say this but that forum is totally insane!

    Without as much as a warning they totally blocked my account from posting, removed my pm box and restricted my access to

    any of the third party vendor support forums.


    And would you believe that they answer any wonder why messages?


    Well, removed all my uploads and sendt an email letting them know they can delete my forum user account for good.

    Let me tell you, I would be supprised if they do remove it, hope they do though :)


    I must confess I am curious to know why third party vendors uses x-plane.org as there support platform still?

    Guess this is not news to everybody in here, but I am still baffled over how the moderators operate in that forum

    totally disrespect to their members and I do believe they couldn't care less about third party vendors and their products.


    Anyway, glad to be out of there!






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