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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Hi

    With this post, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all team members that participated in the making of the IXEG 737.

    Since I am clueless to whom those individuals are, this post is also generic to the extent that I also want to express my gratitude to all those not mentioned in this post. 


    To the Team and beyond!

    Thank you, Morten and the development team. Thank you for having the audacity to embark on such a project and whilst I do not know all the names in the group, please feel the

    gratitude as you would If I had mentioned you by name. Thank you to all the beta testers!  I know there has been an extensive number of hours gone into developing and testing this lovely bird. 

    And I do feel I speak for every customer when I say WE DO APPRECIATE IT ALL, every minute, every second of the time you spent making this. I would imagine that we are most likely united

    when I say we do love the plane and all the joy and grief it has given us. I for one would say it has been worth it, it is truly the best aeroplane ever made for X-Plane, period!

    I do hope you continue the development as a team, but I will understand if you don't. I for one would gladly pay for updates if this means this project will continue!


    Special thank you is in order!

    To Jan:

    I am gobsmacked with your time spent on extended testing and sharing of information with fellow flight simmer. We are blessed to have your expertise and dedication, both on scenery developments and IXEG member. Your dedication is a true value to the X-Plane Community. And I do hope you continue to share your knowledge of the IXEG 737 aeroplane. You can learn so

    much from books and papers, but to have a real life pilot giving advice on what to do and not to do, is essential and weight in gold. Sharing how you do things in real life is a value we as flight simmer's love and swallow with great satisfaction and amusement.  


    To Ben

    Thank you so much, Ben!!  I have a slight idea on how tough your day to day life has been recently and to have the IXEG world hanging on your shoulders with providing updates for the GIZMO on your spare time for almost no money. Whilst having a family to take care of is more or less outstanding, you have my deepest respect, truly. 

    I would recommend everybody to donate money to Ben, so he can keep the Gizmo project alive. 


    To Cameron

    Thank you so much, Cameron. I know you get all the shits we as customer extends on a day to day basis. I can only imagine how hard it must be to try and uphold a fair and respectful feedback, to all customer regardless of case, item, product, forum post and opinion. I have said much, most likely say some more, but my heart is pure and the respect is truly dedicated to guys like you and the rest of the IXEG team and XAviation. Many may not share this special thank you or even my opinion on the matter. This is how I feel and I would argue this every day of the week. XAviation regardless of customer satisfaction is a key player in the X-Plane Market and should have the gratitude this post extends. 


    So to all not mentioned in this post!

    Thank you all, keep up the dedication and enjoyment of X-Plane development and gaming. We are in many eyes "nerdy" type of guys and girls, but we know what we love and that is what counts. There are many products and key players out there that do a fantastic job for this community, but this post is nearly a dig into that and a small humble effort from my side, to express a deep gratitude for a truly excellent product. 

    I salute you all!



    Best regards 

    Tom Knudsen

    • Upvote 15
  2. It's Saturday and I'll post this video for fun, but also for learning.

    Today I went from ENGM to ENVA, short route, and nice weather, all went normally until I was planning my decent, I noticed the speed was acting strangely

    Could not figure out what the heck was wrong and the immediate thought was (damn you IXEG - that buggy m#¤%"#¤# airplane) Well the joke was on me!!

    Actually, the joke was me, and the m#¤%#¤%#¤ pilot was me and the issue was mine. (Time to laugh)


    Only a small credit to my ignorance is that the strange "speed" numbers were to me an indication on a bug. I have never seen this in any airplane.

    My first thought was engine or instrument failure, but I did not remember where to "eliminate" failures in the plane, did actually search the preferences too LOL..

    So here is what happens if you forget to rais the flaps after takeoff (didn't click many times enough on my yoke)


    PS.. I did use the checklist, still not sure why the flaps did not make it to UP

    • Upvote 3
  3. Found out that Norwegian has only one airplane with CAT3b capabilities (LN-NIB) they got from Air Berlin

    They have a company policy to NOT have any airplanes with CAT3b, guess this is manly because in Norway only Gardermoen ENGM has CAT3B ILS and

    all other except Stavanger ENZV (CAT2) has CAT1

  4. 3 hours ago, Morten said:

    Nice airport Tom, which is that?

    That would be ENOV - Still debating on payware or freeware but as of now it leans for the latter.  Next project will be for sure payware and a major airport

    3 hours ago, Litjan said:

    Yes, airport looks excellent!

    We are planning to issue patch 1.1 "shortly" - no promises, though. It should fix a lot of the "gizmo crash" bugs - but will not make VNAV better. But we have not forgotten and will work on that after making the plane compatible with XP11.

    Cheers, Jan


    Thanks Jan. Glad to hear it, hopefully you get to include the "Rain Repellent" too, if not for use then as a dummy. Still think the overhead looks better with.

    Good luck with the 1.1 - I know the people look forward to it :)


    PS.. Any though on the bonus question?

  5. Thank you Jan, glad to see you sober again :lol:

    I must admit I do not read the forum that much, to many hours done on scenery development project like this one


    That said I am ecstatic to hear I am not the only one with this issue. Nothing will demote you more than when a flight cannot be completed due to issues. Especially

    those that crash to desktop either it be simulator or program. Even worse is when you think its hardware related as I so painstaking did learn recently. In a previous

    post I though there was a bug calling the AP to disconnect, turned out to be my Saitek Flight Yoke's throttle connector (PS-2) that had a bad connection. Ended up

    selling the damn thing and spending 200 bucks on a new one, just to get the same damn plug included. End of the story was I argued my retailer to the point he gave

    me an USB edition. So hopefully now I never have any issue with the AP disconnecting or banking the aircraft mid flight for no reason.


    With your statement, things can only get better when VNAV system hopefully will be amended :)

    PS. Next beer is on me :)


  6. 1 hour ago, Litjan said:

    I think (reading from your log.txt) that your computer is not set up according to the rules of Fengh-Shui. There may also be an influence of earth-rays or simple bad karma. I have heard of cases where computer mainboards were evil sorcerers in a former life, and are therefore prone to malfunctions.




    Damn, and I was hoping to catch you when you didnt drink :lol:

    • Upvote 1
  7. Sorry for the topic title, was not sure how I should specify it.

    Anyway I have a serious problem that for me borderline to the plane being semi-nonfunctional.

    It kinda annoys me as I do not know if its me, the airplane or something else. But I have tried now 3 times into same airport (ENVA) with the latest AIRAC

    on board. The whole flight was down to perfections (yes I'm bragging) and the flight went smooth every time until.......


    Normal streight in ILS RNAV approach that it setup by the book and I'll use todays flight as an example


    1. Approach was setup according to the charts by AIP Norway found on official webpage IPPC.no AD 2 ENVA 4 -15

    Selected approach was VEVOD 1L into ILS/LOC Rwy 09

    2. Approach course set to 089 and 110.30 on both sides

    3. DH set to 564 for type C CAT aircraft approach

    Now here the first issue occured

    I was able to input first 6000 feet according to charts

     - Note the FMS showed one fix with 070A then 6000 then 070A on the next fix.

    To correct this so the aircraft would not level change on approach I chose to set all 070 altitude on leg page to

    chart altitude and speed 220/6000A

    As seen on image, FMS reports its not able to obtain CRZ altitude, why?

     - Note the 4000 here was originally 6000A



    Well of my way along the approach I had VOR capture activated, I fly VNAV and LNAV monitoring speed and decent into the

    last stage of the approach.

    4. VOR Capture as expected at 220 knots and 2900 feet according to the chart. All is good at this point.

    5. Reduced speed to 180 with flap setting 15 while I wait for the glide scope to capture.

    6. GS Capture and speed 150, gears down and flap 15 for the time being.


    Now the shit hit the fan

    7. Aircraft started to accelerate to 280 knots whilst I did disconnect autopilot on that note and started to navigate. 

    8. Set N1 and heading select while cleaning up the plane and reducing speed (now over restricted speed 250 below 10000)


    To cut this story short

    9. Set the plane up for a new approach using HDG and ALT HOLD at 3000 feet and controlled speed with SPD

    10 Landed a perfect approach even though the headwind was gusting 25 with a slight crosswind 170/13G250


    Well so my plane did not perform as I wanted to this time around either, totally useless if not flown hands on.

    I bring this issue to you, hoping you might find something in the logs that either show me what I did wrong, what the plane did or didnt do or

    if there is a NAV data issue, please let me know so I can stick a needle into Areasofts butt repeatedly.


    NB.. Let me know if you need other log files etc.

    And here is a bonus question, why is this setting default set to MACH? I need to change it everytime, is there a setting for this I can change?




    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    X-Plane 10.51

    IXEG 1.07 (via the hotfix)

    GIZMO Firmware v16.09.27.0342


    Included files (again not sure what to include

    Cycle Dump.txt





    From IXEG






    Hope this help, if not please advice and I'll gladly assist, this issue is insane annoying as I would love to fly an approach using

    VNAV and LNAV up to the point where I disconnect and land manually.


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