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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Curious to know if the plane would be configured as fully ready when selecting i.e. 10nm final in x-plane startup - So as far as saved situations goes, really curious on that..


    Second, without turning this into a wish list (rather see the aircraft get released he he) but I love how third party vehicle is done in i.e other aircrafts such as the might 777, 757 and the airbus neo

    Will there be a) included or B) somthing to wish for in let say a standalone addon package


    PS.. If this is already ask and answered, please appologies as I have not seen it.

  2. The autopilot is a great tool, and the flight-director can be used to improve your precision, but there are situations were both are inappropriate. The visual part of a non-precision approach is one of those.




    Thanks Jan, from seeing lots of aviation cockpit films I noticed that the flight director is normally turned on.

    But I just checked my real company checklist for the 737-300 by Norwegian (05/07/2012 Tempo Rev: 01/R15) and it

    does not mention the Flight Director as a checklist item at all.


    So I guess it is optional and should be used as required i.e on a non-precision approch as you mentioned Jan.

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