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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Just have to appologies to all english speaking members in here, togeather with my phone`s autocorrect (tends to switch to norwegian where to means two)so my english is not always correct. However I do know the difference between calling someone stupid and label something as stupid. Touchy people do not which is understandable.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  2. Firstly, thanks to John. Those new screenshots look very nice! Screenshot two's clouds look nice and fluffy while the night lighting in screenshot three looks excellent. The last one still looks a bit patchy but of course I'm that isn't a final version.


    Plain Stupid? You may find it fun to be condescending over the internet but really?

    I have cloud draw distance set to maximum and I have cloud detail set to maximum. If this doesn't prove to be the most graphically appealing settings what is the point in having settings at all?

    Nothing condescending about stating that an belief or notion is stupid, just an opinon. And about the sliders, you stated it your self and I quote "what is the point in having settings at all" when you set it to maximum?




    Honestly I don't think above 25-30 fps matters to the eye in the real world, I think the eye needs a minimum of 24-25 fps to see clean motion but i am no scientist .


    You might want to read up on the topic then, I for one did during my college years.

    However, there is an int. article on the matter here you might want to start with




    Or test this your self



    One way to demonstrate that the human eye can actually detect differences above 30FPS is to use a small program called FPS Compare (11KB) by Andreas Gustafsson (used here with his permission). To use it, simply extract and launch the FPSCompare.exe file. Make sure to read the instructions in the Readme.txt file, and note that this utility is still in beta form. You may need to force VSync to Off in your graphics card's control panel for it to work properly, but if it doesn't work properly for you, you can try the more basic version of it from here: FPS Compare (old) (106KB).

    FPS Compare shows the same scene rendered side by side in a split-screen arrangement, but each side is running at a different frame rate. When launching the new FPS Compare program, I recommend pressing F2 to change the scene to one more familiar to gaming. Now by staring at the middle of your screen, you should be able to detect that the portion on the left (at ~60FPS) appears smoother than the portion on the right (at ~30FPS). Even if the difference is not major to your eyes, many people do notice that there is at least some difference - something which refutes the fact that human eyes cannot notice differences in smoothness at an FPS over 30.



  4. Think I restrain from answering @blacky75


    To the rest I will gladly answer tony, as it seems you did not mistake my intent.



    Yep thank you. This is a known issue with the facade set that was distrubuted with 0.2.0. It has now been fixed and will be in v0.3.0.


    Wonderful news



    Well Blacky replied pretty much like I would. The whole idea of the project, all the posts here and all the tutorials on my website is for people to join in and help out, so we have more models and repetition becomes less common.


    So the program has per definition no option for excluding facaded repetition based on number of objects? If I understand this correctly and I do apologies for asking but is it fare to say the software places objects just to fill out the OSM, and if the software does not find an uniq object it uses a random object or even a similar object to the nearest neighbour? (hope my question was understandable :) )



    Sorry to sound sarcastic here, but words really fail me. I don't even think (IMO) that the human eye can see any difference above ~40fps. But if you are expecting 100fps, and this is a problem for you, not only is World2XPlane not for you, I don't even think X-Plane or in fact flight simulation in general is for you. Maybe in 6-7 years somebody will create a computer and graphics card that can achieve that in OSM populated cities. You seriously need to lower your expectations.


    Not to start up an argument or even a discussion on frames, but I do agree on the eyes. However while the eye cannot see more than 30-40 frames or so, the notion of feeling/gaming experience is very noticable.

    So you would in game notice a drop from 100 to about 33 and that is why my CPU is clocked @ 5.0Ghz and I have OC 4GB of memory on the GPU to, just to get that little extra performance.

    Also it was kinda sad and harsh reading that flight simulation is not for me or anybody else for that matter, it is a game/hobby for everybody no matter the level of experience, age, engagement or interest. (just saying)

    I do not believe I deserv to be wished excluded from this community just for thinking that.


    My point was when it drops from indicated 100 down to 33 when turning from tons to extreme in order to see the objects in the package, that is just an indicator that the performance drop is huge!





    Just because you personally have a ban from the .org doesn't make the program useless because you can't download a library.


    Kinda does, when you think about it. However did mange to get that FF library and installed it togeather with R2, openscenery and world-mega. compiled and run without any errors, so nothing wrong with the program.

    But I do not know why you all got on the defensive side, I just stated that this was not for me (yet, and I emphasize the word yet once again)




    We would like your help, since nobody has yet taken any interest in doing Norway. Plus Norway is quite weak in terms of OSM data, so you'll have your work cut out.


    Already on the case and have been for some months now. We are making every airports there is in Norway and along side that maintaining the openstreet map adding and editing sections of the country

    to our best ability. However, that lack of "geotiffs or even workable picture services for Norway" inside Openstreetmap, affects the progress of determaining map features.



    So good luck with the project, Ill be sure to watch the progress ;)


    Decided to quote my self here, hope it comes out as positive this time!

  5. Ok, so I've tried it and found it to be not for me (at this time)!




    While it has potentials there where to many things that ticles my neurotransmitters.

    If I where to fly VFR with a Norwegian made scenery (as I did) I would crash the plane for sure, just because I would be to ocupied

    taring my hair and have no free hands to steer the plane. :)))


    On the development side, my tips to things that need to be fixed/looked at

    Texture wrapping



    Repeted strings of objects



    Misplaced textures



    Just to name a few..


    On the positive side, it did provide a lot of diversity and variations in the scenery and houses seemed to be more aligned with the roads (even though the roads where all over the place)

    But the downside was that in order to achieve this, you had to use a very high settings in order for objects to be shown. Which again did plumit the FPS from 100 to about 33!



    So good luck with the project, Ill be sure to watch the progress ;)





  6. Dear blacky75



    You come, you take (program), you moan around that the program is worthless


    Not to undermine your work, but it kinda is. That is if the program is dependant on third party library and not included it is as indicated useless.

    Again, think happy thoughts when reading this, with all due respect of your contribution to our community i say this only to make a point on the usability not the quality so please bear with me.


    If one cannot provide the neccesary files in order for the program to function 100% it must be fare to say it is not operating at 100%. When the product that it creates is

    not usable in X-Plane (by that meaning it does not work or even crashes) would it not then be fare to say it is useless?


    I have used programs like OSM2XP with great result and I was really looking forward to try this program out since all the picture shown was so exiting.

    It does not bother me that one needs to have libraries installed in order to create a scenery, but it bothers me when all of these are not available for download.

    That pretty much render out 1/3 of the possiblities of the program and therefore not as exiting as It could be (do you understand?)




    I have now managed to get a hold of the FF library and will give it a fourth try for sure, hoping that it may be more performance friendly as OSM2XP never was.



    I'll add an option into next version so the entries can be grouped and disabled as needed, as I'm sure you're not the first person who is banned from the .org (I get an IP block for a few hours everytime I access it through google.pl, for some unknown reason)


    That may be the wisest decision so far, looking forward to it..

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