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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Version 1.3 is now out, you can find it here


    What is new!

    Changed the code for the spill light.
    Changed the code for the HDR.
    Cangeed the code for the runway lights.
    Adjusted aircraft beacon light size and spill


    Known bugs!

    Radio Towerlight blacks out for unknown reason




    Screenshots are showing before and after Aerosoft Light Fix (white light)








    vpil0t, on 24 Apr 2014 - 2:36 PM, said:snapback.png

    FYI the plugin is 99% done on my side, just waiting for Ben to look at it and work his magic to bundle it as a releasable product for beta-testing.


    I'm planning on doing a version for the Ramzzess and Philipp's 777 and 757 later this year. I just love these planes.


    Looking forward to it

  3. As a former EULA investigator at AVSIM.com I have seen my share of attempt to copy and reshare freeware products.

    That said I am not an attorney of law and will not try to argue this case in any way other than my personal opinion.


    From a technical point of view, is the manipulation of the shaders/datarefs within X-Plane protected or free for third party vendors to exploit?

    If this is just a library for others to manipulate, is it then copyright besides the similar themes? I have not seen the MAXXP interface and cannot therefor

    make a qualified quess based on similarity judgement, but far as I can read it is similar?


    Guess this is the new Facebook vs Harvard Connection :)

  4. An healthy discussion is nothing to fear Harry, however these my be :)




    Anyway, back to topic.. I for one did not go the distance and bought the MAXXP as I did not see the value of it.

    Now I can try it for free and see what the fuzz is all about (yet anyway). But is it fare to say this is a piracy

    without any judgement in the case or just a freeware to be tried out, and if it is a true copy or something similar
    is it then cudos or hell no to the author, and why should one buy MAXXP when this is free?


    See my curiosity sirs? Where is the line of conduct here?

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  5. Thanks Tony. I do think it will be usefull to have only one or two library installed, imo opensceneryx and your's. Less is actually better and it makes bug fixing and updating a less painful task. I am a fan of the plausible, but as mentioned before more fan of performance. Much can certainly be done on the facade side, but also in regards to texturing and polycount. Hight and shapes do play a part in performance and i do not think openstreetmap has a function to set such parameters? However it should do wonders to shapes and positions if one had better reference pictures to work with.

  6. FYI, the forest that is there in OSM2XP and not in W2XP is a leisure=park tag. The default rules are different in this regard. W2XP will only surround the park with trees and not fill it, OSM2XP just fills it with trees. There is a good reason for this, and that's because in most cities, parks are correctly mapped, with the area having trees being tagged as such. So in this regards, W2XP is more accurate (Of course you can change it).


    Again, I'll ask again, please tell me which building/buildings are not there in real life or OSM2XP but are there in W2XP. If this is the case, then it's a weird bug and needs fixing. But before reporting such things, you should check first.



    This building is there irl, but far from a square, and it is misplaced which may be an openstreet map issue.



    Here is the real picture, same angle. Notice the buildings behind is larger too



    Misplaced buildings in W2XP, placed on the railroad tracks (filled in, not present in OSM2XP)



    I could blame it on the program, but I rather think it is releated to Openstreetmap. I will try to do some error checking later on this day


    PS.. Not out to prove a point, just having a nice warm disqussion on the topic, as this is a discussion forum, i hope LOL..




    In that case, why don't you just use photoscenery with no objects or trees at all. Win all around, you'll get 100fps, and it will look fine above about 3000 feet


    Cause I just hate those damn ugly things, but with better GEOTIFS, who knows!!!

  7. Specs are


    Intel i7 3770K OC @ 4.6Ghz - Asus Sabertooth Z77, 16GM RAM 1866Mhz, Samsung PRO SSD and of course my beloved Nividia GTX 770 (not clocked) 4GB display card.

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit






    Downtown Brussel






    I see W2XP randomize the buildings way better than OSM2XP, but it also ads building that are not there IRL or in OSM2XP. But It does remove forrest where OSM2XP does not.

    So if you want variation, I do believe W2XP is better, though it seems to impact the user a bit more.


    I cannot say which is better as that is in the eye of the beholder and up to the individual using and tweaking it.


    But don't mistake my intentions, I do believe W2XP will be a great addition to the X-Plane community and I for one will follow it closely in the future

    So keep it up guys..



  8. I do see your point, I guess the situation would be far more suited if the colorization changed with seasons, daylight and or weather. Though I do not believe

    you'd ever see black and white unless you got and horrible eye discease LOL.. Anyway GIMP or Art Weaver is free, MAXXP is not, but if you think about the developing

    aspect of this, we should welcome all payware products regardless of paying for it or not.


    Buying is optional using it is too!


    That said, as a former FS9 and FSX user I cannot remember how much money I spent on idiotic and wurthless programs that never get used.

    In fact I have bought for XP the 777 airliner, 757, Airbus Neo without ever flying them at all (need more spare time). But I do love looking at them and making repaints

    and other texture fixes while I wait.


    Kinda same goes for scenery, I do not use those crappy photosceneries but I do buy payware airports. And with companies like Aerosoft I hope to contribute to the making

    of more better and far greater looking sceneries for XP. So in retrospect, even though I do not own the MAXXP, I do not think

    20 euros are that much just to tweak some coloring effects.


    (Hell I eat more candy and drink more soda in a week than MAXXP cost).


    I could buy the MAXXP just to get the warm summer grading seen in this film (excuse posting film if that is not allowed)


  9. HD Mesh v2 is installed, so is Scandinavia v1.7 (OSM latest for the entire Norway made by OSM2XP), SkyMaxx PRO

    I do not use Photoscenery as they suck big time in quality (personal opinion), besides that these are all installed


    Openscenery X

    European Library

    R2 Library

    Fly With Lua

    Sea Traffic v. 030

    AirTrack XPL


    Treelines and farms over Europe v2

    and lots of texture enhancements



    Point beeing, picture above was only to show that you can in fact get FPS readings above 50, not just over the pacific ocean.

    And yes, I do have mulitple facades going on and objects set to MAX, the FPS do drops down to 70-80ish over huge cities like i.e Oslo (would be strange if it didnt)






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