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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Cannot find that anywhere


    Can find xp-developer.com





    Must say I am visiting  X-Plane .org for more than nine years now and I like the site.

    Once due to a misunderstanding I was banned for a couple of hours.

    A simple explanation by mail adressed to the management of X-Plane.org was enough to clear the sky.


    I am an administrator at AVSIM for many years and I can assure you , people can be banned there too ,if one does not follow the house-rules.


    Its possible one of the house rules is NOT advertising  other X-Plane related websites.

    Personally I think thats not a good rule , on the other hand saying "its no good here and go there" one cannot tolerate.

    Many forumleaders are to sensitive and over-react.


    The best way to stay banned from a site is camplaining about it publicly on another site.

    Sorry Lean, my bad and typo, .com it is

    I too have been at AVSIM for many years and seen my share of things. But thats properbly why tend to not understand trigger happy sobs.

    There is a fine balance i know, but if you are to host a community you need to have a larger ceilings, show members the respect they

    deserve and argue their actions when the are wrong. However majory violations should generate a warning for repeted offenders, but it is

    the moderators job to remove posts and threads that conflicts with the rules, not automatic ban a member for i.e doing something wrong.

    Nevertheless, I will not argue with the moderator team over at x-plane.org and the reason is simple and let me quote Mark Twain

    "Never argue with idiots, they just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"

  2. Sure hope you will provide some performance documentation to Professional Flight Planner X by Aerosoft sometime after the release as well.

    To fly this wonderful aircraft will take a bit knowledge into such, but hey thats fun and why I wish upon such and addition.

  3. I switched between 16 different airports, tried with both default light and aerosoft light and at different time of day. All runway lights now work seamless. The red/black issue at tower/buliding lights are known bugs related to x-plane not script or aerosoft.

    Cannot see any issues more

  4. My solution was to set world render distance to medium or higher, and delete any other scripts you have in flywithlua besides Raleigh tweak and light tweak.

    Never use more than one script in the script folder if you are not 100% sure that the same code is not listed in each .lua file

    I would recommend settings atleast high



    I have been able to reproduce an oddity.  I can start X-Plane at KJFK and the runway and road lights are all visible from distances and appear correct.  If I then switch to a different airport, via the menu bar "Select Global Airport" option, the runway lights and road lights display the problem in which they are only visible at close range.  


    I am not at my computer at the moment but when I do have an opportunity I will upload my X-Plane log file and also list out the few plug-in packages I have installed.

    Thanks for letting me know, will try to reproduce this and see if I can narrow it down to which line of code it affects.

  5. This I cannot understand, it totally blows my mind and I will not even begin to figure it out.

    Why to community sites that I would imagine serve the flight simulator community go an ban their own members.

    Ok, I see the issue if there is a strong violation of attacking persons or breaking the law. But banning members without any cause

    is to me fundamentaly wrong.

    So first I got banned from X-Plane.org, but thats what I had to pay for starting xp-developer.org.

    But today when reading the second latest blogg by Ben Supnik I visit the X-Plane review link and got this message


    So I wonder, how the heck could one get banned from such a site? Did I read the review wrong or did I comment a review in a negative fashion.

    My question would be, what could they possible be earning by banning members?

    Lets tank about real reasons for banning, in my mind every site should have at least a good portion of common sence, and If the violation

    is so harsh that it needs to be adressed, hell give the member a fare chance to explain him self. If the offender repetes him self, well then ban him.

    Reasons I would imagine could qualify for banning

    * Personal attacks on character

    * Repeted trolling the site/forum

    * Spamming

    * Hacking, spoofing, phising, immicing etc.

    * Serious violations for forum rules such as religion, sex, copyright etc.

    But hell, I must have done some horrible things in order to be banned from a review site LOL...

    Further more, when I started xp-developer.org I did not imagine the site would ever be a threat to anyone but more a useful resource

    for developers where they can discuss while developing. Intentions where not to capture or steal members from other places and as far

    as I know, the only serious place out there that acknowledge and understood this was x-pilot.com

    The same could not be said about xp-aviators.com and x-plane.org where I got banned instantly.

    Nevertheless, I am still live and kicking but more or less gobsmacked by these policies..

  6. Ok here is some thing to consider


    1. Start removing one plugin after another untill you are left with just Sky Maxx Pro and Fly With Lua

    - This will eliminate any plugin interference/bugs


    My plugin folder looks like this



    2. I use version 1.3 of Sky Max Pro (not any of the later updates)

    - That may not affect it, but it very well could (as I do not know)


    3. Try to remember, did you use any other texture enhancements?


    4. Check and see if you use Real Terra Haze with the light script (they do not work togeather)


    5. If everything checks ok, remove the Light Script then the Releigh Scripts and see if runway lights reverst back to normal.



    It is hard for me to investigate what may cause this as it does not happen on my side. It could be graphics card, it could be drivers, it could be render settings it could be textures.

    The only way to remedy this is to investigate and search..



    Last but at least..


    An update for the black/white missing blinking textures which was reported, this has nothing to do with the script, but most likely resides somewhere else as reported



    Regarding the "black bug lights" has nothing to do with the light.tweak. 
    I made several tests and noticed that the error may be in the scene or in the LPMA/ff_library libraries / ff_library_extended_LOD. I feel sad to hear that :\





    World detail distance set to medium (to maximized my fps but I figured it might have something to do with this lighting issue)


    Set it to far (second highest) Not sure if this would help though.

    I will try Heathrow to see if I can reproduce this


    PS.. The first two pictures does not load

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