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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. 1.)The CTRL-numpad thingy works just fine - the view-changing window is acutally a remnant from times when XP did not have this feature yet. We will probably keep it, because some users might like it (i.e. not having to go through setting up views and remembering which key is which). Fwiw, you can also adjust and save those views in the view-window.


    2.) The sound you are hearing is a combination of aircondition airflow, avionics vent blower, standby-altimeter vibrator and engines running on low idle.




    Edit: Ben beat me on 1.) ;-)


    1. Sound logical to keep it and it does not harm anybody so...


    Keyboards with a numeric pad on them are crap for ergonomics and no longer ship as default with Macs. Quick Look isn't even possible on one of these:


    Did not know that Ben, just another reason not to get a mac, at least for my sake..


    "oh how I love to digress so....".

    I am using the numeric pad all day at work to be frank, and love it. Still I thank god there is "DAS Keyboard"  and Windows for now,  though if not for 3 factors I'd use Linux all day!!!



    The sound you are hearing is a combination of aircondition airflow, avionics vent blower, standby-altimeter vibrator and engines running on low idle.


    Just awsome Litjan, totally impressed.

  2. WooooW got to love those tingling teasers, more please..


    So to the questions


    1. I see there is a view changing "windows" - How will this interact with the CTRL+keypad default feature in X-Plane (sure hope with can select or even use both)

    - Why an external window popup infront of the cockpit if not needed?


    2. Whats that sound, awsome it truly was. First I thought the aircraft was rolling down the runway LOL..

  3. A bit of constructive critisism back to you Chris, hope you take it to heart!

    Learn to read and read everything so that you do not miss any vital information on your way. This time you clearly stroke out. This is not my product therefor not my problem ;) Sure wish seasons could be implemented in some way or another, and i do believe John is by far the closest one to realize this for X-Plane, cudos on WinterMaxx ;)

  4. Two things are coming to x-plane for sure, dynamic tesselation and seasons, question is just when. Seasons have been on the agenda for many years but have been swapped for other features like 64bit, garmin 430 and bugfixes. So i would imagine any thirdparty winter things would be temporary suited. I do however feel freeware could be a way to go in the meantime

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