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  1. Hello, Been flying the IXEG 737cl for a few years now and man am I missing the ability to fly the cargo version... I have heard that IXEG is planning on making these two variants, but that was 4+ years ago... I know it's not an easy job to change the 300 variant into cargo or the 400/500 one, but at least, can we get a prediction on when can we expect those variants? Also, is there a possibility to enhance the FMC and enable the ACMS as well? All in all, just eagerly waiting for both of these and being sad because there isn't much happening... Kind regards
  2. I managed to solve the problem.
  3. Hello, For some reason, once i want to start a flight with the ixeg 737, and the process of loading starts, i get a message that states that there is a problem with loading OpenGL. I don't really know what the solution for this it may be, so if anyone could read the log.txt file and point out the problem (if possible), i would be really thankful. Kind regards Log.txt
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