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Everything posted by Obo

  1. Take your time, Tom. I'm sure you guys are pretty busy with this new release. I will now only gradually rebuild my sim set-up. So if there is any issue you want me to look at let me know, I'm glad to be of help. Uwe
  2. Hi Tom, Thanks for your quick response. I attached two log files: Log_1 shows the fresh installation of X-Plane, everything worked fine. Log_2 shows the sim with the installed IXEG 737. However, something odd happened. When I first loaded the sim with the IXEG 737 the same problem occured, i.e. no spinning engines, no displays in the flight deck, no sound. Then I shut down the sim and started it again and loaded the IXEG 737 directly. It took rather long to load the plane and there was high load on the PC, but finally it was there, with sound, spinning engines etc. Could this be some intialization process for the plane or related software, e.g. Gizmo? I will let you know if I see other unusual things with the aircraft. Best regards from Hamburg area Uwe Log_2 Sep 16.txt Log_1 Sep 16.txt
  3. I had the same issues and decided on the ultimate solution in deleting X-Plane 12 completely and do a new installation from scratch. Then I started X-Plane with the default 737-800 (engines running), everything was fine. The first -and only- addon I loaded was the IXEG 737 with engines running. Exactly the same problem occured: engines not running, no electrical power and -absolutely worst- no sound at all. Restarted the sim with the stock 737-800, no sound either. The simulator is completely mute. To me this means that there is a major problem, supposedly Gizmo. Hopefully this will be solved with priority Best Uwe
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