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Wessendorf Rob

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  1. Thanks Phil, you made me a happy man! Life can be quite easy (sometimes)
  2. Thanks Pils for helping, but my sec database is empty! I have a Navigraph account and I am linked to it with the CL650, but still a outdated active database
  3. OK ... you cycled the active Database to the second and everything is fine? Hmmmm ... how did you do it. Sounds easy, but I have no clue what you are talking about! Me too! My Database is outdated! Thanks for clarifying!
  4. I fixed it by my own and the pin was not the problem. Save flights Rob
  5. Nose door is not closing! Even with APU power and generator on (+ external AC power) and full pressurized hydraulic system (checked in the displays) - my nose door is not closing by toggling the switch. Log.txt
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