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  1. Glad it's working for you. I will look into the GF software.
  2. I thought I was losing my mind for a min cause nobody else was experiencing this issue. If you come up with something plesase share.
  3. Ok thanks again JGregory and maybe the next update will help me. And if anyone can help please I would appreciate it.
  4. Thanks for the feedback men, any idea why I'm still not getting full range animated after doing the CL assignment?
  5. I saw this from a post back in 2015 about binding your joystick the condition levers. You think this might work: [saab Condition Levers] axis=2 dataref=LES/saab/CL/manip_common(float) drl=0.90 drh=0.50
  6. I tried reversing the levers and the throttle assignment works. But I can't move the condition lever until I go into the CL Joystick Assignment window. Once I do the setup for the left and right lever is when I get the conditions levers not animating properly. Is there a way to go into the joystick DataRef and change the values would that make a differences?
  7. Yes, JGregory it does thanks for responding.
  8. Just a query about using the GF TQ-6 throttle quadrant with the Saab 340A... I find that I can assign 2 levers on the unit to the power levers and 2 to the Condition levers (the latter using the special CL assignment facility) , however, while the throttle levers work through their full range of movement, the Condition levers don't go fully forward, i.e. to the 'Max' position. Using the X-plane joystick & settings option to calibrate does not solve the problem... Thanks for any help
  9. Hello, On the CRJ-200 I entered in a departure airport in the FMS and also entered in an arrival airport. I decided to change my arrival to another airport and the FMS wouldn't accept the new airport code. I trying powering off the entire plane and still the FMS remained powered with the initial arrival and departure airport information. Shouldn't the FMS turn off once I power the plane down? I was trying to avoid turning the entire X-Plane 10 off and rebooting back up. Any suggestions or advice would greatly be appreciated. Thanks. TM
  10. Javier, Great job with the CRJ-200. I have a Mac don't know if the TrackIR works with it. Are you on a Mac or PC? Thanks TM
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