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  1. Im terribly sorry to have bothered you with this, I've just gone ahead and reinstalled all of xplane and its working now... I can go ahead and provide you with the log if your still interested but for now it is working! thank you so much!
  2. Here's a video from startup to "crash" to show what im seeing. 702898486_2023-11-2815-50-44.mp4
  3. It doesn't generate/trigger a crash report... All i have is the diagnostic data from that run. It just quits X-Plane in a CTD like way, but in its little mind it hasn't "crashed" and therefore isnt generating crash reports... telemetry_0.tlm
  4. Sorry to bug you but It is still CTDing... Ive updated to the public beta 3 and reinstalled the 650, but to no avail.. any ideas?
  5. Does anyone know when beta 2 will be released?
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