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Everything posted by Ahmed

  1. Ahmed

    Loading screen...

    THANK YOU!! My screen is 1366x768.. itll take time to position it :/ I alos use XP9.7
  2. Hello! So I thought of making a new loading screen for X-Plane, and after 3 hours of working, I finished it. The problem is when I open X-Plane, the loading screen I made doesnt show COMPLETLY, it just shows a PART of the screen i made. I made my start screen's dimensions 2048x2048 just like X-Plane's default start screen. What's wrong? Thanks in advance.
  3. An Egyptian wants to use X-Plane HUG ME BROTHER!.. lol
  4. Well, ignore that part..
  5. Hey! Have anybody before thought what would happen if all X-Plane aircrafts designers unite together? We would have the PERFECT aircraft for X-Plane which would beat PMDG,, seriously. Every develpor has something special in his designs. Some developers design really good flight models and cockpits. Others code GREAT systems. If most of aircraft developers team-up, they would release a PERFECT aircraft in a little amount of time.. Agree?
  6. Wow.. just WOW!!
  7. Ahmed

    X-Plane 9 Crash

    Did a 2 hours flight and X-Plane didnt crash! Thanks Cameron
  8. Ahmed

    X-Plane 9 Crash

    Thanks Cameron, will try and tell u
  9. Ahmed

    X-Plane 9 Crash

    Hello My X-Plane was working really well until yesterday, it crashed once yesterday, and crashed another time today.. and NO i havent installed any new plugins or aircrafts. Here's my crash log and the log Thanks crash_log.txt Log.txt
  10. Ahmed

    2gb Video Card?

    Thanks X-Plane Australia!
  11. Ahmed

    2gb Video Card?

    But im pretty sure that "Buildings" in X-Plane 9 uses GPU not CPU
  12. Ahmed

    2gb Video Card?

    HellO! I bought a laptop with 2GB video card AMD Radeon 7600M series.. *Not sure which one exactly*, anyway, i was hoping to run x-plane 9 on high settings, but when i set the buildings into *Tons* my fps drops to 20, maybe less Also in the rendring options, it says that its using 300mbs or something from the video card, while i have 2gbs.. Any help?
  13. I said that i need x-plane 9 with MEDIUM settings, so im pretty sure there are some laptops with good prices YOU JUST MADE MY DAY, I think i may order it THANKS!!
  14. I cant get a desktop system, i travel 3 times a year,, i cant live without x-plane more than one month
  15. Ok, I think ill go with the first one and increase the RAM.. ty! I couldnt find any Laptops with a Nividia video card :/ I have a limited budget .. 3500 SAR at most ,and that equals 933.33 USD
  16. Hello Im going to buy a new computer But just a question,, will that Laptop do the Job? http://www8.hp.com/sa/en/products/laptops/product-detail.html?oid=5361292#!tab=specs or that one? http://www8.hp.com/sa/en/products/laptops/product-detail.html?oid=5361379#!tab=specs I want to run X-Plane 9 with Jrollon's CRJ-2 and Ramzzess' 777-200LR with descent fps on medium settings Thanks!
  17. Hello I converted a OEJN "Jeddah Airport" scenery from fs to x-plane http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14888 Also i converted HECA " cairo airport" scenery : http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14471 Also I converted an OERK scenery, PM me to get it since i cant post it There are other sceneries for the middle east like OMDB, OTBD, and OLBA You could google: xxx scenery for x-plane Ahmed
  18. Hello I was playing around with the crj-2 yesterday , I disabled GIZMO from the plugin admin folder then I got better FPS. Usually, my fps is not stable , its starts at 20 and goes down to 12. After disabling GIZMO my fps was stable between over 20. Does GIZMO affect FPS? Will there be a problem if I disabled it? X-Plane 9.70 CRJ-200 1.5.0
  19. Hello Just wanted to ask, is there any flight planning tool similar to Jeppsen's one? Jeppsen's fp tool is very expensive, and also I'm only flying on a sim not in real life . Any good priced ones for Windows? Thanks
  20. I would suggest a fully simulated 747
  21. Happy Birth Day!!
  22. Thanks Phillip thanks Cessna 729!
  23. @Cessna 729 Here ya go.. @Cameron Will try that if i didnt find a solution .. Log.txt
  24. Here's my crash_log... crash_log.txt
  25. Hello I installed the update 1.5.2 a while ago and just started flying it this week. I load the plane normally and after 20 mins while doing the Cold & Start up procedure it crashes my x-plane, it happened to me twice ONLY with the CRJ. I'm using X-Plane 9.70 on windows 7 32bit PS: I read the previous topic which had the same problem but it was for XP10 I guess
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