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Everything posted by Ahmed

  1. Making a realistic 767 or 787 would be AWESOME!
  2. Oh , ok will try that out next weekend
  3. Hello I just upadated to CRJ-200 1.52.. I fired up my X-Plane and tried to activate it, but it gave me an error : Error (auth)
  4. Any news Cameron??....
  5. THAAANKS!!! but i am thinking of a way to download them 2gether lol
  6. Did that, still nothing I guess its only a BAD computer
  7. ps: I am on x-plane 9
  8. And also, the FPS is making me OTHER problems. I fly on vatsim, my flight time INCREASES ONE hour than the normal flight time *WITH PRETTY SAME GROUND SPEED*.. such as: thats my flight http://www.vataware.com/flight.cfm?id=10236547 i flew it BEFORE with KINDA same ground speed it took 45 mins ;-) Ahmed
  9. in OTHER planes i get between 20-70 lol, according to the aircraft And my cpu CORE I3 Dual Core 2.4GHZ I am still waiting for the USER MODIFICATION problem to be fixed, maybe its a video card problem :-) Also, a friend on facebook told me to DISABLE the 3d accelration thingy in my video card settings,, I couldnt do that because there wasnt a BUTTON or ANYTHING to DISABLE, It only showed if its enabled or disabled, I cant choose though, after some googling I found that I am not the only one facing problem with DISABLING the 3daccelration .
  10. I could answer anyways Rename the CONFIG file of the normal 747 in CONFIG files inside FJCC file to the name of the .acf If that didnt help PM me
  11. Having the same problem using ATI Mobility HD5400 Readon 512Mbs help please? i am getting 5 with the crj
  12. Ok thanks.. cant fly this baby till the problem is fixed PS: I purchased with the following email: Malammari@hotmail.com but since i cant recieve on that email anymore i will contact X-Aviation using this email: hammada_counter@hotmail.com
  13. Hello I got the CRJ-2 one or 2 months ago, I had REALLY bad FPS, so while checking inside the USER MODIFICATION foler, I found a LIGHT version for weak video cards, I read the READ ME and backed up the old one and replaced the .acf file. When I start X-Plane *9.70* I have to RE_ACTIVATE it,, when i do so, its gives me error (auth). Also tried to use the totally clean shields,, and ALSO i had to RE-Activate it,, it gave me an eror : ERROR "unknown product" ANY HELP? THanks Ahmed
  14. Will that work with the ipod-touch? lol jk is it possible to have a little bumb up in the FPS for version 9? I was about to crash the screen with 10 FPS climbing
  15. well,, with the avionics off and nothing running in the desktop closed most of the task manager services i get 30-40 FPS while with the avionics,, still 10
  16. Thanks for your reply will try doing that I am still X_plane 9 by the way thanks again,
  17. Thanks for your help but the crj-2 depends on the processor,, and i heard the 64bit increase the processor performance
  18. Hello I just bought the CRJ-2 Its a really great aircraft, my only problem is with the FPS I have 10 FpS I am currently with windows 7 32bit on x-plane 9.70 will updating to 64 bit help for better FPS? Thanks PS: Procosser; Core i 3 dual core 2.4 GHZ
  19. oh , Ok thanks for the reply
  20. Hi all I will buy the CRJ-200 next week Hopefully. I am very afraid that i get bad FPS with it, so what about making a demo version for it, like X-Plane, A demo version that works 10 minutes or something. Thanks
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