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  1. Has there been any progress on the WX Radar? Also would it ever be possible to simulate datalink weather (at least nexrad radar)? thanks!
  2. Is there a document somewhere that shows how to set up ATIS and PDC with the PilotEdge ATC network in theChallenger 650 FMS (on the pilotedge website, there’s a document showing how to set it up using their own GUI FMS, but not with the FMS in the Challenger). thanks,John
  3. The hotstart challenger is truly amazing! However the graphics in MSFS are mouthwatering. It would be great if you could make a mod for the MSFS CJ4 Proline 21 avionics to include the missing features that are included in the Challenger Proline 21. The CJ4 is such a fun plane to fly since it’s single pilot rated, but I miss the electronic checklists, charts, realistic terrain display and many pages missing in the FMS! It would be a big seller!
  4. Thanks!
  5. With XPlane 12, will a weather radar be added to the challenger?
  6. Any chance for a WX radar now that XP12 is out?
  7. Dear Hotstart Team, Your Challenger is truly amazing…the most realistic aircraft add on ever developed and it’s a BizJet (I’ve been waiting forever for a study level BizJet). After using MSFS2020 and being overwhelmed by the beauty and realism of the graphics, I only wish it could be developed for that platform. You should redevelop the default CJ4 since it also uses the proline 21 suite (Working Title was doing a decent job adding features and then they paired with Microsoft, re developed the default CJ4 and we lost a bunch of avionics features and the proline 21 system is missing so many functions that are modeled on your challenger that would be great to have). It’s a great plane to fly too since it’s single pilot certified.
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