it's not always clear for me, what the exact criterias for starting the tracking of the programmed route are. on simple departures, tracking begins immediate after takeoff. On more complex departures as in LOWS the RTT4V.16 e.g. (with virtual waypoints, departure starts with visual left-turn after t/o), the only way to start tracking that i found, is the dir-to next real waypoint after the initial left-turn. imho, tracking should start and eliminate passed virtual points, even if i fly the first part of the procedure visually and by hand (e.g. vasfmc does so - and seems to be realistic for me). e.g. when i pass the virtual 2DME (@RW16) point in LOWS, i think it should disappear from the legs-list, telling me, to start the left-turn manually - but nothing happens. even when i intercept the programmed track, the FMC doesn't start tracking. can somebody pls explain this FMC-behaviour for me, and how the correct FMC-procedure for LOWS RWY16 departures looks like?