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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. when i do the following: begin at LOWK RWY10L enter flightplan from LOWK to LOWG departure GRZ1K arrival ABIRI, RWY ILS35.C, transition GRZ hold at GRZ i have an altitude limit at (KFT) which is 11nm from LOWK of 8000A a few miles after crossing KFT, the virtual (KFT) 8000A suddenly moves away to about 49nm from the current location (??) when i continue flying this 55deg-track, after crossing GRZ, the missaligned (KFT) disappears, no sequencing of waypoints is done, no HOLD is executed, GRZ remains magenta, LEGS-display seems to be freezed (no distance-update from GRZ). when i take FMC out of this "hibernate"-state with DIRECT GRZ + EXEC, it continues flight on the current track and GRZ flickers between 1nm and 49nm every second. problem is absolutely reproduceable in my environment, screenshots are available. something seems to go wrong with the FMC here - any ideas? XPLANE is 10.04 b3
  2. ok! - works perfectly now! stefan
  3. that's it! thank you for the information!! (i could not find this in the documentation - it says "EXEC activates flightplan, but not "starts tracking", which might not be the the same) pressing exec after takeoff solved the problem.
  4. i *have* entered a full route from LOWS via SID RTT4V and transition RTT to LOWI. The FMCs that i know from the past (vasfmc and WILCO Airbus) both start tracking immediate after takeoff, even if the first part of the SID is a *visual* turn and the first waypoints are virtual points - but the crj200 does not start tracking in this situation.
  5. it's not always clear for me, what the exact criterias for starting the tracking of the programmed route are. on simple departures, tracking begins immediate after takeoff. On more complex departures as in LOWS the RTT4V.16 e.g. (with virtual waypoints, departure starts with visual left-turn after t/o), the only way to start tracking that i found, is the dir-to next real waypoint after the initial left-turn. imho, tracking should start and eliminate passed virtual points, even if i fly the first part of the procedure visually and by hand (e.g. vasfmc does so - and seems to be realistic for me). e.g. when i pass the virtual 2DME (@RW16) point in LOWS, i think it should disappear from the legs-list, telling me, to start the left-turn manually - but nothing happens. even when i intercept the programmed track, the FMC doesn't start tracking. can somebody pls explain this FMC-behaviour for me, and how the correct FMC-procedure for LOWS RWY16 departures looks like?
  6. Philipp, unfortunately the video is unreadable after the crash, but i found out one possible reason for the crashes: when the waypoint which i want to fly direct to, becomes the active next waypoint (magenta), when or before (?) pressing the lsk for copy the name, the crash happens. it makes no sense to direct to the next active waypoint intentionally, but the situation may occure under several circumstances (and then the sim should not crash anyway). when i find out more, i let you know. ...not very senseful, but good to reproduce the problem: departure lowg, arrival lowk, sid abiri1g.17, after takeoff dct grz lsk1 exec, then dct grz (now magenta) -> crash
  7. Hi Philipp, i've a similar dct-problem, well reproduceable at LGSM. Departure is LGSM, arrival LGAV, SID is ORMOS2B.09. After the visual right turn, establish SAM 174, right turn back to SAM VOR, enter DCT ORMOS -> crash – every time! If you need more diagnostic info, please let me know. Another little problem with the DCT-Key: on my 1.4.2 the key seems to work ONLY in the "popup"-CDU. On the builtin CDU in the panel and the remote-CDU the key is inoperable.
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