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Everything posted by jergp

  1. I've noticed the same thing. I can not seem to figure out when it decides to start tracking. Sometimes it takes as long as passing my first waypoint. I'd appreciate any advice too.
  2. Thank you, that did the trick. I can not believe it was something so simple. I mean everthing was toast before , even rendering problems like buttons missing from the FMC, and others too. Thank you for the quick response, I really really apprieciate it. Jer
  3. I'm sorry , i didn't mean to think " aged setup " was suposed to be taken badly. I was trying to emphasize that everything ran fine before. I was hopping someone had the same problem. I can not seem to find anyone who has the same problem as I have. It leaves me as mistified .
  4. To clarify , everything worked fine before 1.4.2 . I tried the test, it said it worked. I purchased 1.4.0 ; everything worked fine, I uploaded to 1.4.1 ; everything worked fine, then I uploaded to 1.4.2 ; then things went funny. I reinstalled. With my " aged setup " I had 25 fps. and I enjoyed it. But yes I did run the " hardware tester " prior to purchesing.
  5. Yes I did. I had two versions that worked fine. It was the update to 1.4.2 that had things go funny.
  6. I'm on an imac , 10.7.2 , 3.06 GHz duo, 4gb ram, ATI radeon HD 4670 256 MB Sorry, I don't know how to upload a link... log.txt : Log.txt
  7. Hi guys I'm brand new here, hope this is the place to post this.... I bought the crj-200 , I beleive it was the 1.4.0 it worked fine, I updated to 1.4.1 and everything seemed to work fine. After I installed 1.4.2, it seems something has gone wrong. After loading I get a message displayed over the view that reads : " error loading navdata or magnetic " nothing in the plane seems to work, there is no power. When flipping the main battery nothing happens, all displays are dark, and most switches do not function. This occures with both "cold and dark" and engiens started. I have been trying to search this out and looking at the topics here but, no one seems to have the same problem occur. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the aircraft, and have no clue to what may have occurred. Any one have any Idea. Every other aircraft seems to function normally. Thank you Jer
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