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Echo_Zulu_7-2's Achievements


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  1. Haha yes it was a pain! You developers always finding new and novel ways to force us to read the manual I read and read (and skimmed) but I must have missed the bit about the Gust Lock! Gonna check for it now. So I got it working eventually hurrah what fun. It's gorgeous. I suppose you have your reasons to make a new plugin for the axis.... Just did some island hopping in Orkney landing in 34G45 winds. Nicely(ish). It's great. I've wanted one of these for ages. Popular island hopper. Nice Work Señor Rollon. (I love the funny way you explain stuff - nice touch) Jez
  2. Thanks Nicola for such utterly awesome liveries. I'm not really a chopper pilot but I love the BK-117, and can fly it almost quite well -ish! Amazing you do all that top work for free, I've downloaded almost all of them, so maybe I'll give something to the local air ambulance instead. There is an unbuilt Kawasaki chopper in a couple of (very) large boxes at a warehouse I work from sometimes, waiting to be transported to Germany; I always wonder if it's a BK-117, but they won't let me jemmy them open to take a peek! I sort of know what you meant about making scenery, if I could just find a good tutorial to give me the slightest clue how to use WED & Blender etc. Hope you stick with this X-Plane project.
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