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Everything posted by telemole

  1. CLOUDS! I turned down some detail quite a bit... left clouds on... the best i could achieve across my 3 screen setup (one eyefinity display of 3800 X 720) was about 20 FPS if i was lucky... turned off the clouds - jumped to 40-45 FPS... Why can so many other more intense 3d applications manage this and XP10 can't? I just don't understand... there is not that much complexity to the scenery and not that many polygons to render here... there MUST be a more efficient method... I'm sadly now curious to see how FLIGHT from MS is going to behave. My brother is in the beta and I'm getting a look this weekend...
  2. fantastic - I found this thread searching for the plane model name - read all the way through only to discover that it's not ready yet Do you have an ETA for this? It's fantastic - and the only plane my brother and I want to do our multiplayer flights over British Columbia with
  3. sadly i just couldnt find the options in the menu - I have found them now I am sure there is a multiplayer 'hub' type software that allows random people to find others to fly with - is there any chance anyone has a pointer to a tutorial for this sort of thing? I'd love to just jump into a controlled space and do some practicing with some people? thanks!
  4. Got it! dedicated an axis on my throttle quadrant which is working for now - how do most people handle aileron trim in their sim setups?
  5. Thanks to you both! The testing will commence tonight! I hate the reload times.. but I want to get to the best performance/balance becuase it's just so amazing to fly with a smooth rate, finally worked out my control issues, so i'm really appreciating it!
  6. Hi Jim, thanks very much - I'll google the heck out of that - but as i am not a real pilot (I have the basics down, but some of the physics clearly still elude me) would you know specifically which controls i am using to trim that? Thanks again and sorry for the newbie questions - appreciate all the help telemole
  7. this is actually the CPU - apologies : Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU 0 at 3411 MHz (x 8)
  8. Hi again - and sorry for blasting the help forums... I have tried both my twist joystick and my saitek yoke - after configuring and even giving a tiny deadzone - the controls look perfect in the joystick and equipment screen, then every single time i am flying - there is slight and constant left roll drift that i have to correct - this means trying a helicopter is almost always fatal and even small gen aviation craft are frustrating to keep on course, land etc... this can't be wind... it's happening all the time... can it? Is there some way to configure this or null it out? anywhere I can check for something to help solve the issue? I would post more details but am not sure what's pertinent? thanks pilots! Telemole
  9. Hi Folks, I installed xplane 10, tried it on the pc and discovered it was time for a new pc - so out i went to shop and buy and build and hammer and drill (ok... not that last bit) and I built this : i7 3400 quadcore cpu (shows 8 cores in process monitor) AMD Radeon 6950 1 gig (set up as a single eyefinity group across 3 monitors at 4000ish X 768) 8 gig ram 7200 rpm drive and sitting on the runway with average settings in a Cessna my frame rate is about 12FPS I really expected this thing to BLAZE - I turned off HDR and turned off antialiasing and a few other options I had really hoped to have turned on and STILL only got it up to about 20FPS... I run iRacing on this new pC at 130 FPS with FULL detail, everything on... shadows, specular etc... on my triple screen setup - so i know it's capable of great performance... is there something critical I am missing in configuring x-plane? thanks in advance for any ideas - I'd love to watch this thing just sing running x-plane this weekend. Cheers, Telemole
  10. hi folks, new to xplane and have grabbed version 10 - amazing. I was a long time FSX user (and many before) and my brother and I love flying together. I've talked him into grabbing x-plane 10 - but I for the life of me can't figure out how to pop two planes into the sim over the internet and fly together? What am I missing? Can anyone help and give a brief tutorial? Greatly appreciated! Cheers, Telemole
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