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Everything posted by Herbert

  1. Herbert

    Spin CTD

    During the approach... :/ No abrupt maneuvers, casual approach into GA airport. Log.txt
  2. Herbert

    Spin CTD

    Hi Coop, Now I'm doing some cruise but tomorrow I'll try to replicate this issue. Nevertheless I think you've done nice job with DA40, I'm having real fun with it, almost comparable with RL flying
  3. Herbert

    Spin CTD

    Hi, Putting Diamond into a full power spin (throttle 100%, nose up 5 deg., full left rudder) ended in CTD. Attaching log.txt for you to check what has happened. Log.txt
  4. Thank you Ben, after deleting x-av.plugin everything is working as it should. Look's like post-beta garbage was messing things up. Have a nice evening guys and thank you for your help
  5. As far as I remember it required Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables update but then worked fine. I'm installing parallel copy of XP12 now, then I will install MU2 only and we'll see if it works.
  6. Hi there Cameron, I've been testing SR22 in beta phase some time ago but removed it since the normal version was released. I've attached full log.txt and quoted last lines in my post for google XP12 is starting as always and then, after few seconds it's CTD ("Will initialize plugins" for 1 sec.) Nope, just after successful, normal installation from the store's .exe file, CTD's started and I'm unable to run XP even after uninstalling MU2.
  7. Hi! I've been using XP12 since early beta with no serious problems so far. Today, I'm unable to start XP12 after MU2v2 installation. I've checked everything, removed every other plugin except X-Aviation's and still no success Log.txt
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