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Everything posted by kailum8866

  1. kinda have a problem since zink is what makes my fps good.. without it i basicaly get no fps (10-15fps) but with zink i can get up to 80s in crz in tolis
  2. so my fo fmc is doing the same thing with overlaping/blurry but captain side atm is fine looks good no blurs
  3. there is a setting for "openGL triple buffering" should i turn it on? i am in flight right now captain fmc seems fine now but fo is still a little blurred might require a restart if i turn it on now
  4. i am having this issue too. 2 pics below one of them was cycling through pages other Log.txtwas about 15 mins after but fmc is still really blurry
  5. will take a look at that will send log txt there shortly
  6. i hadnt noticed this on the ground but seems higher i got the worse its gotton im at fl350 idk if itl help but i cant find a way to put my arrival into the fmc its overlapped atm with my rte, prog page and the ep arr page so i cant click any as idk what it says
  7. as seen in the picture i was on page 3 of prog page, but it was still showing page 1 and also in the video i went from legs page to prog page but it was still showing my waypoints aswell as the info on prog page so was overlapping everything it does seem to blend in after like a min or 2 it goes back to normal but is this normal or is it a bug? 1884422446_X-Plane12_2023_09.22-15_59.mp4
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