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Everything posted by gshell81

  1. I have 3 24" 1080 monitors. In XP settings I just set 1 monitor to full screen with a custom resolution of 5760x1080. I've always done it this way. I watched a video about it 2 or 3 years ago saying it was the best way to do it. When I tried to setup individual monitors, it was very frustrating to get them to line up just right with the offsets, plus it seemed to kill my FPS. This way has always worked for me and I've never had issues. Maybe I'll try again actually setting up 3 monitors separately. I do have a new graphics card now than I did 3 years ago. I'll let you know if have any improvement. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. So after lots of troubleshooting from getting rid of all plugins to downloading a new copy of XP and CL650 I finally found the issue. I have a 3 monitor setup and I have my "main monitor" as the middle monitor. So in XP I set monitor 1 to full screen and change the resolution so it will fit across all 3 screens. For some reason when I use "monitor 1" the mouse wheel doesn't work on these knobs but when I switch to the main monitor it works fine! Very strange bug that I about never figured out.
  3. When I'm using the pop-out windows for the DCP and CCP I cannot turn the knobs. It will only allow me to push the center button. My mouse wheel does nothing. It's only when I'm the pop-out window. In normal 3D cockpit they work fine. Never had this issue with any other plane and this has been the case since the very first version. I do have the latest version currently. Any thoughts?
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