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Everything posted by Alyfmly

  1. That did work for just a moment. I could see the cockpit interior but it crashed after a few seconds. I did some digging around the activation issue and found a fix. I used the following solution from @Sluijens Thanks for your help. --------------------------------------- @Sluijsens I found the solution: I renamed the "xa_validate.xpl" that is in win_x64 to "_xa_validate.xpl". I then copy pasted the "xa_validate.xpl" that is in the mac_x64 folder in the xa_validate folder in the plugins folder of the "IXEG 737 Classic Plus" folder and BAM it works: no more CTD! (I also installed the latest Xplane 12 beta though before I copy pasted the "xa_validate.xpl" file from the mac_x64 into the win_x64 the latest Xplane 12 beta did also CTD with the IXEG 737 Classic Plus. WOW! Works now! Cheers, Clément
  2. Log.txtDC3.log Hi, I am having some problems using the aircraft as it will not launch for a flight and appears to crash X-Plane. I have attached my two logs to the post and link to video of my attempt to launch a flight. Any assistance would be appreciated, Eric
  3. Excellent! Thanks
  4. I have not found a manual yet. Is one included? Thanks
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