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  1. Hi @JGregory, Ok thanks for the response! Very frustrating, I've had more problems with my 2 payware aircraft than any others.
  2. Hi @JGregory I did a flight just now from CYQU to CYXH and used rnav approach to rw21. Auto pilot turned itself off a few times. Log file attached. Thanks! Log.txt
  3. Hi @Pils, That sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. Thank you for this link! Have a great day!!
  4. Hi @JGregoryI did another flight last night from CYOD to CYQU and it worked flawlessly. The only thing I did different this time was I used the mouse to change the altitude to descend instead of the incr/decr button on my Bravo. I can work with that. Having said that, how do you prevent the mouse scroll wheel from zooming as your trying to manipulate the buttons? The other thing is I have the Big Red button bound to "Autopilot Engage/Disengage Switch" and after disengaging autopilot the alarm chime never shuts off. Is there a way to get it to only chime say 3 times then shut off? HI @Cam thanks for the suggestion, Cheers!
  5. I did another flight last night from CYOD to CYQU and it worked flawlessly. The only thing I did different this time was I used the mouse to change the altitude to descend instead of the incr/decr button on my Bravo. I can work with that. Having said that, how do you prevent the mouse scroll wheel from zooming as your trying to manipulate the buttons? The other thing is I have the Big Red button bound to "Autopilot Engage/Disengage Switch" and after disengaging autopilot the alarm chime never shuts off. Is there a way to get it to only chime say 3 times then shut off?
  6. Hi @JGregory, I will do another flight this evening and get the info for you when it happens.
  7. Hi There, I hope you have found the tool try by now but if not, on my 4K monitor it's approx 6" down from the top on the right hand side of the screen. Your mouse pointer will have to pretty much go right to the very edge of the screen for it to show up.
  8. I was flying yesterday from CYYE to CYPE at 5000' all I was doing was using the increase/decrease button on my bravo to change the heading bug as per 124thATC instructions. The AP randomly turned off on me 3 times during flight. Any Ideas? Cheers,
  9. Hi there, Last night I attempted to do a flight from an airport that had a pretty narrow runway. I had to turn around at the end and got one wheel off the asphalt. The plane would not move afterwards. Even at full throttle its like it's stuck in the ground and won't budge. It this normal or do you have any suggestions. Thanks
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