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  1. Sweet mother of muppets I got it working. Thank you guys! Possibly the most frustrating technology thing I've fought with since helping my mom fix her email before the days of facetime...
  2. I think I understand how to use the XMidiCTL files (so much trial & error) but the x-touch controller is voodoo to me. Everything looks like it should work :/
  3. Here are the two layers - they look identical. Here is the configuration text: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Layer B #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Slider { ch = 11, cc = 50, type = "sld", command_up = "", command_middle = "", command_down = "" }, # Encoders { ch = 11, cc = 41, type = "enc", command_up = "sim/radios/stby_com1_coarse_down", command_down = "sim/radios/stby_com1_coarse_up" }, { ch = 11, cc = 42, type = "enc", command_up = "sim/radios/stby_com2_coarse_down", command_down = "sim/radios/stby_com2_coarse_up" }, { ch = 11, cc = 43, type = "enc", command_up = "sim/radios/stby_com1_fine_down", command_down = "sim/radios/stby_com1_fine_up" }, { ch = 11, cc = 44, type = "enc", command_up = "sim/radios/stby_com2_coarse_down", command_down = "sim/radios/stby_com2_coarse_up" }, { ch = 11, cc = 45, type = "enc", command_up = "sim/instruments/barometer_up", command_down = "sim/instruments/barometer_down" }, { ch = 11, cc = 46, type = "enc", command_up = "", command_down = "" }, { ch = 11, cc = 47, type = "enc", command_up = "", command_down = "" }, { ch = 11, cc = 48, type = "enc", command_up = "", command_down = "" },
  4. That makes sense, but something is wrong. When I flip-flop to layer B all the buttons & encoders remain on their settings for layer A. Is there some magic I need to do with the x-touch editor first?
  5. Oh sweet fancy Moses I got it to work!!! I think I never properly "dumped" the configuration from xmidi controller. Thank you guys for the help. I was at my wits end! Can I get a second B layer for the encoders or no?
  6. Found and tried switching to Relative. Even with the stock configuration suggested at Behringer X-Touch Mini (mauer.github.io) I got nothin.
  7. Where exactly does one select "Relative" in the Behringer software? Behavior seems to be either momentary or toggle. No other choice.
  8. <pounds head slowly on desk>
  9. "VirtualCPT"? Virtual cockpit? How...?
  10. I have an xtouch mini. How would the Behringer software interact with the plugin? I'm struggling with the text file/configuration for xplane I'm not sure how the Behringer software fits in that equation.
  11. I really need some more help. Data ref editor just shows multiple data refs for what seem like the same value. Also the backlights on the Behringer sometimes are lit on the encoders and sometimes aren't. In both cases data is getting through to xplane though. Why is this so painfully difficult?
  12. I appreciate the help. I'm seriously struggling. This syntax gives me no joy. (I'm looking in the "commands.txt" file in Planes=>Resources=>Plugins for valid commands) { ch = 11, cc = 1, mode = "relative" , type = "enc", command_up = "sim/GPS/g1000n1_hdg_up" },
  13. what is the syntax for selecting "Relative"?
  14. I've RTFM'd till I'm blue in the face but I'm having all kinds of problems: Encoders (Dials): Velocity seems to increase from 0 to 127 with clockwise turns. Counter clockwise turns register as velocity 0. Both directions are control change = 1 Here is the syntax from my file: # Encoders { ch = 11, cc = 1, type = "enc", command_up = "sim/instruments/barometer_up", command_down = "sim/instruments/barometer_down" }, This seems like pretty basic stuff but I'm blocked.
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