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Everything posted by guro

  1. Hi Thanks JohnMAXX, that's the solution I have a LCD 29" (2560x1080) and the letters are more smaller then I had set it to 125% and the totaly of the X-Aviation window was not on screen Thanks again for the tip guro
  2. Hi I will install Maxx FX 1.0 and I can not, it stops and asking " You need to specify a value " when normaly I must insert my email adress, it's the first time that I have this question .... !!? Any solution ? guro
  3. Hi again, What I mean with "folders" and "range" is the one you use in Custom Scenery ? Example of what I use : Thanks, guro
  4. Hi @ Blacky If I can remember my question please. Will be cool guro
  5. Hi Some screenshots from Geneva (XP10.25 - ZL17 - SkyMaxPro and OSM Switzerland beta4-sd from 2014.05.06) guro
  6. Hi @ Blacky I would if possible know what's the correct folders and range in the customer scenery you use ? For me personnaly I have different buildings, houses they are flickered, I presume that they are twice objects on the same place and I will resolve this situation. So, can you be so gentle to communicate us the right thing to do. Thanks and K.R. guro
  7. Hi Sorry for my message in french.... But I have downloaded the WMM...from http://world2xplane.com/" and install it. guro PS. Can not send mail because your mailbox is full .....
  8. Bonjour @blacky Désolé je l'écris en Français, sais pas comment traduire cela en Anglais. Il y a quelque chose qui va pas avec les dernières " NeedsWMMFromWorld2Xplane/ " , j'ai téléchargé Austria, Belgium et Netherland et j'ai chaque fois une erreur malgré que j'ai téléchargé le "world-models-master" depuis le site "http://world2xplane.com/" Et j'ai tous mis à la poubelle parce que je n'ai même plus une maison seulement des genres bâtiments industriels ..... exemple ICI sur Koksijde >> Tu sais peut-être dire le comment du pourquoi, parce ce que j'y comprend plus rien. guro Extrait du log en annexe Part of log.txt>>
  9. Hi I see in his log that he has the " world-models library " folder, but is't the last one from >> 17-Apr-2014 11:10 ......!? In the older one there was no "Blacky75" folder ..... ! guro
  10. Hi Very nice this one, Thanks guro
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