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Everything posted by CCO

  1. Please have a look here and also follow the link in the comment: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/271923-linux-amd-plugins-still-flickering/&page=2#comment-2454837
  2. Hopefully I am right here... Running X-Plane 12 (12.00b13 (build 120050 Intel 64-bit, Vulkan...)) on a Fedora 36 (64BIT) with an AMD Ryzen 5 5600X and a AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT with the installed CL650 v1.6.1 I manage to get to the warning screen about the noise level (no difference if I go the persistent or non-persistent way). Showing the warning screen X-Plane hangs or directly crashes to desktop - with this in the Log.txt: 2022-11-19 20:28:18 CL650[xplane.c:2610]: Systems plugin is disabling 2022-11-19 20:28:18 CL650[xplane.c:2615]: BOOT: preflight_win_fini 2022-11-19 20:28:18 CL650[xplane.c:2617]: BOOT: ... ... 2022-11-19 20:28:20 CL650[xplane.c:2579]: BOOT: preflight_win_init 2022-11-19 20:28:20 CL650[xplane.c:2595]: Systems plugin enable complete 0:02:16.421 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck. 0:02:16.421 E/FMOD: /jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(218): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:02:17.532 I/SCN: Preload time: 168 0:02:17.532 E/GFX: Rebuilding offscreens for window resize: x=2560 y=1440 hdrx=2560 hdry=1440 0:02:17.532 E/ATC: Radio transmission required but no voice loaded! 2022-11-19 20:28:20 CL650[dr.c:135]: assertion "dr->writable" failed: dataref "sim/weather/temperature_tropo_c" is not writable (phys.c:1725: &drs.TP_T_C) 2022-11-19 20:28:20 CL650[except.c:120]: Caught SIGABORT: abort (0x3e8000061db) Backtrace is: /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x3ea30) [0x7f5c4de3ea30] /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x8ec0c) [0x7f5c4de8ec0c] /lib64/libc.so.6(raise+0x16) [0x7f5c4de3e986] /lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0xcf) [0x7f5c4de287f4] /games/flightSimulation/xPlane/X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CL650/plugins/systems/lin_x64/systems.xpl(+0x134e6e) [0x7f5a36534e6e] /games/flightSimulation/xPlane/X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CL650/plugins/systems/lin_x64/systems.xpl(+0x154ce7) [0x7f5a36554ce7] /games/flightSimulation/xPlane/X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CL650/plugins/systems/lin_x64/systems.xpl(+0x15dbc1) [0x7f5a3655dbc1] /games/flightSimulation/xPlane/X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/XPLM_64.so(+0x2f110) [0x7f5b900a8110] ./X-Plane-x86_64() [0x17179a6] ./X-Plane-x86_64() [0x138ec25] ./X-Plane-x86_64() [0x524adc] ./X-Plane-x86_64() [0x1919aed] ./X-Plane-x86_64() [0x191153c] /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x29510) [0x7f5c4de29510] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x89) [0x7f5c4de295c9] ./X-Plane-x86_64(_start+0x2e) [0x4b717e] --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: Challenger 650 by Hot Start}==-- Any ideas? :-) THX in advance!
  3. @oisin650, I know that this scenario is hard - I am working as a software architect and developer myself. So do you have any other possibilities to find out what is going on? Xplane only freezes if flying the CL650... - I will test it with opengl in about two weeks. @Pils, If I will do that and it still crashes (what it will do), you will ask me to reinstall a clean copy of x-plane and try it there - so I guess I will just jump over this directly to the reinstallation with a blank x-plane and the CL650 - in about two weeks.
  4. @Ben Russell, that the products use features that others do not use - well, that is okay. As long as the features work. If Hotstart explicitly produces its products for NVIDIA, then they should mark them appropriate. - I could have saved 115 EUR. ;-) Otherwise I have to ensure that the products work on my customers hard- and software. If they already know that their products do not run sufficient on some common kind of standard hardware, they should explicitly warn upcoming customers. Otherwise they get angry customers... If I can set some flags in the software (trace logging?), please tell me. In my own interest I will try to help. The bird is amazing - if it does not "crash" and flicker... Your assumptions about opengl and me are correct ;-) Hopefully the AMD drivers will be fixed in the near future... EDIT: I already communicated with the x-plane developers about the flickering. They said that they are working on some (2?) bugfixes regarding flickering together with AMD. Hopefully they will succeed soon...
  5. Hi! I really tried hard to check everything I could imagine, but in the end it seems as if the CL650 hat two major problems that make it more or less useless for me: 1. I have "the problem" with the flickering of AviTab, registration plate in the cockpit & on the tail, the displays in the cockpit and the popout of the displays in the cockpit. This is so annoying that it is no fun to fly under these conditions. I do not have this problem with the ToLiss A321, Zebo and every other plane in X-Plane. Yes. I have a AMD RX 6700 XT... So or so: I would like to understand why CL650 has this problem (and is pointing towards AMD) and X-Plane stock aircrafts, Zibo and ToLiss do not have it. 2. X-Plane crashes for me on almost every flight with the CL650. Precizely it just hangs. The picture freezes but sounds continue to play and even some code of the CL650 seems to be still running (log entries occur after the freeze) (X-Plane log and CL650 log attached). And this is about the last (the second) bug. I removed nearly every plugin (plugin folder content attached as a screenshot). I deleted the AI planes. I did not touch ingame ATC. I did not remove the scenery - this will require a full reinstallation of X-Plane. I will do this if this "solves" the problem but it will require an enormous ammount of time. I did not rollback the drivers - and will not do because I have other software relying on current drivers. If there is anything else I can do to help you helping me, just write. THX! Update 1: The freezing happens while actively operating the plane but also if just watching doing nothing or even having the simulator running in the background. Log_Crash_01.txt Log_Crash_02.txt Log_Crash_03.txt CL650_Log.txt
  6. @skiselkov THX!!! It works. I guess this is something I could have read... Sorry for that!
  7. I am unable to get the button working. It worked once (I think it was during a flight) when I removed/disabled the registration in the cockpit and on the tail. Now I do not get it working. Not if the plane is cold and dark and not if the plane is fully set up. Ideas?
  8. Sorry, but I cannot find it... I would appreciate to have it on my joystick button... What entry do I have to choose in the mapping menu?
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