OMG I wish I started posting here earlier! You guys are amazing with your answers! I really appreciate the effort.
? Sounds like a double negative lol. I was just reviewing the video by Reflected Reality on YouTube. As he is climbing out he is discussing the properties of VNAV (around 1:20:45) and he said with VNAV on the airplane will go to the most restrictive altitude constraint (magenta) and with VNAV off the airplane “goes for the blue”. Then he says “there are some other uses for VNAV on approach”… I’m honestly more confused now then ever. I thought VNAV off means the plane will always level off at the FCP-selected (blue) altitude but with VNAV on the plane will level off at the most restricted altitude. So, let’s say we’re at 20,000 and the FCP is dialed in at 1,000 (blue) and the FMS is 5,000 (magenta); if VNAV is off then the plane will descend down to 1,000 ignoring the FMS constraint but with VNAV on, the plane will hold at the FMS constraint of 5,000. Is that correct? So if I have VNAV off and, this time I forgot to change the FCP from 20,000 then the plane won’t budge when the FMS tries to lower the plane to 5,000? Do I have it right (I just have in my head “without VNAV, it goes for the blue”)?
In terms of whether reverse mode is on, I for sure never hit it. I think a video would explain what was happening. It’s almost like the plane undershot the runway and auto-deployed the thrust reversers but at the wrong altitude(?). That would explain the aircraft throttling back too soon also. Why the heck would that happen? It did seem like the altitude readout was off on approach. I double checked the baro. I just never set MINS because I figure they’re busy for pilot info.
Anyway I had a late meeting last night so I only had time to program the flight from EEFG back to EEFG and I’m at the runway threshold. I’m using the waypoint suggested above and the runway suggested. I’m only climbing to about 4,000 on this circle-back. I’ll try to video this and snap screenshots (watch it work just fine this time).
Thanks again!