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Everything posted by Marcus787

  1. Yep that was the fix!
  2. Turn off Zink
  3. I used to use the Challenger 650 no problem on XP11. Yesterday, my first time attempting it on XP12, I found I could walkaround the FBO no problem, walkaround the airplane outside no issues, but, the second or two when I entered the cockpit and tried to turn the master power switch on, the screen would freeze and give a Vulkan read error. I'm unfamiliar with these errors in the first place so I don't know where to go with this. Any tips?
  4. Did you solve it? I'm betting it's the position of your bleeds. If the 10th stage isn't set right, the engine won't cycle to full start.
  5. Outstanding explanation. I’m willing to bet the people on Microsoft flight sim forums aren’t getting this quality of flight education! Thanks so very much for going the extra mile and helping me and (very likely) others who have had the same question or dilemma. If you ever went to take someone on a real world ride let me know! Lol.
  6. When on an approach with ILS, are you supposed to change the NAV source from FMS to LOC? I was just watching a video of someone landing and they changed to LOC1. That would clear some things up…
  7. Okay so I didn't get the initial problem anymore. I did, however, try over and over the same approach (from a save file) at the same point and I couldn't get it to capture the GS. Before this, on a different attempt on the same approach, I DID get it to turn to the GS annunciator. The diamonds were also blue that time and the subsequent times when I didn't get GS, the diamonds were pink. So, here are some videos of the approach where I couldn't get the GS to annunciate. I'm assuming, by the way, that the VNAV works somewhat differently on a descent vs on a climb. Does anyone know how? I'm new at uploading the videos and I didn't realize created videos that were 2 gb each. I'm recording at the highest pixel rate and 30 fps at high quality.
  8. OMG I wish I started posting here earlier! You guys are amazing with your answers! I really appreciate the effort. ? Sounds like a double negative lol. I was just reviewing the video by Reflected Reality on YouTube. As he is climbing out he is discussing the properties of VNAV (around 1:20:45) and he said with VNAV on the airplane will go to the most restrictive altitude constraint (magenta) and with VNAV off the airplane “goes for the blue”. Then he says “there are some other uses for VNAV on approach”… I’m honestly more confused now then ever. I thought VNAV off means the plane will always level off at the FCP-selected (blue) altitude but with VNAV on the plane will level off at the most restricted altitude. So, let’s say we’re at 20,000 and the FCP is dialed in at 1,000 (blue) and the FMS is 5,000 (magenta); if VNAV is off then the plane will descend down to 1,000 ignoring the FMS constraint but with VNAV on, the plane will hold at the FMS constraint of 5,000. Is that correct? So if I have VNAV off and, this time I forgot to change the FCP from 20,000 then the plane won’t budge when the FMS tries to lower the plane to 5,000? Do I have it right (I just have in my head “without VNAV, it goes for the blue”)? In terms of whether reverse mode is on, I for sure never hit it. I think a video would explain what was happening. It’s almost like the plane undershot the runway and auto-deployed the thrust reversers but at the wrong altitude(?). That would explain the aircraft throttling back too soon also. Why the heck would that happen? It did seem like the altitude readout was off on approach. I double checked the baro. I just never set MINS because I figure they’re busy for pilot info. Anyway I had a late meeting last night so I only had time to program the flight from EEFG back to EEFG and I’m at the runway threshold. I’m using the waypoint suggested above and the runway suggested. I’m only climbing to about 4,000 on this circle-back. I’ll try to video this and snap screenshots (watch it work just fine this time). Thanks again!
  9. That’s a very well thought-out, comprehensive explanation and answer! I actually wasn’t aware that there had to be a flight plan loaded into FMS 2 with regards to the right side. Actually I didn’t think the right side (FO) needed anything entered (since I thought all the flight information came from the pilot’s left-sided FD and FMS. If I don’t enter the frequency for the ILS localizer, how does the FMS get that info? Is it from the ATIS or charts that the computer has on-board and it pulls that info in relative to the rwy I’ve selected in the flight plan? I, also, did maybe what’s a no-no: on my last flight plan, I added my own (what I thought were logical) descending altitudes alongside the waypoints to see if the FMS could execute the altitude changes. It sort of did, but it placed a TOD in front of each of the waypoints where I added an altitude(?). So, I had like 4 tops of descents. Each time I would hear the tod chime but it seemed it would only descend if VNAV was armed(?). Is this correct? I thought arming VNAV only meant that the airplane would not descend past whatever ALT selection you’ve entered (as shown in blue on the PFD)? I’ll post as soon as possible. Still scratching my head because last time I literally armed APPR when rwy was showing as the “waypoint”. I got open purple diamonds along the vertical and horizontal tracks. I thought I was fine then Lo and Behold, within a few hundred feet of the runway, I started to see the engine power drop off, the ATS read the dreaded “Fail”, the throttle icons came up, I heard “pull up pull up terrain terrain” and my speakers started chanting “glideslope glideslope”. I couldn’t increase throttle on the engines because the throttle was unresponsive to my inputs. Then I’d hit my rev thrusters binding and the engines would go to full power (i think in reverse). Only then I could adjust the throttle if I flicked off the thrust reverser. Needless to say, but after all this my airframe was wrapped around the ILS towers at the other end of the runway :(. I tried to clear the ATS fail and re-engage ATS but that didn’t work. Only after I tied this rev thrusters trick did it seem to “wake up” he throttles.
  10. … because the FMS changes it based on the programmed FP? As long as the runway flightplan is correct? I know another thing I must be messing up as well are the speed restrictions because I have to continuously slow the plane down on approach and there are no armed speeds showing and there are no speeds in the FP - just flight levels and descent angles. I’ve tried to arm the APPR mode like 10 miles before the rwy but it still doesn’t seem to ride the glideslope in. On the Zibo, you have to dial down the altitude knob to zero to permit the plane to descend but I thought when on APPR mode, the gs and ILS override the user inputs like those anyway. In the published books for the challenger, it even says that the plane will not accept inputs from altitude or heading changes once on APPR mode. Then, why the heck is the plane freaking out when I’m getting close to the runway? The latest issue I had was it seemed to be riding in to the runway (definitely following the lateral runway guidance) but never really capturing the the vertical glideslope. Could it be the settings of the BRG that I have? I believe I have it set for “ILS NAV” and the “freq” is the runway Localizer(?). I’ll try to screen shot that.
  11. Does nav 1 and nav 2 have to be set to the same frequency for the ILS localizer for the GS to acquire? I will work on a video asap.
  12. For me it’s been failing every time I approach a runway with ATS on. Then, the ATS-fail user side emblems pop up and I can’t use my side hardware (unlike every other time it works fine). I’m in APPR mode and very close to touchdown and it starts squawking about “glideslope” then the ATS fails and the throttles are functionless. Very frustrating! Incidentally, does anyone know what the requirements are for approach and glideslope acquisition? It says it’s FD dual mode so does that mean that each NAV needs to be on the same ILS Localizer frequency? Is it like the Zibo 737 where the heading bug needs to be the same as the runway on both Pilot and FO and both pilot and FO ILS frequencies need to be identical?
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