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  1. The real-world documents are linked on a pinned post on the Torquesim discord. You can also find it by googling "c525 ptm". There are 2 volumes (V1 and V2), one with procedures and one with system descriptions. I recommend reading through the expanded checklists at least once, because it helped me to understand some seemingly unnecessary steps in the checklists (e.g. "Throttles ... as required" on descent. As far as I understand it, that's basically the point of the GPU. The batteries in the CJ are pretty small, so if you're sitting on the ground for some time with BAT / avionics on, you might not have the > 24V required for the engine start anymore. Obviously you have to turn it back on before engine start. At night, I don't turn it off at all, because otherwise I'd be sitting in a dark cockpit. This is a CJ1+ (different engines and Proline 21 avionics), but it's the closest I could find that shows the engine start from within the cockpit (time: 28:16). Notice the PFDs are off, so the BAT switch is in EMER. You can see CM1 (left seat) turn the switch to BAT (you can hear the fans powering up) at 28:28, right before the "Before Start" check list.
  2. There is neither a switch nor an indicator light, but you should be able to see the voltage rise to 29 V. See also the attached screenshot from the PTM (Expanded Checklists, Cockpit Inspection.
  3. Some further feedback after doing lots of flight planning and online flights: it would be nice if the volume knobs for the comm volume would actually change the volume (this way you can control XPilot comm vols right from the actual plane for example) the color of the status indicator next to the main door lever seems to be wrong. According to the training supplement docs linked in the discord, green means "locked". it would be useful if altitude and temperature values in the performance planning could be overwritten manually. Right now, the window cannot be used to calculate the performance for your destination airport if it has a different altitude or temperature (also planning during cruise leads to wrong results because the current temp / altitude is used) is the TCS button implemented at all? I'm assuming it's the "ap_trim_toggle" binding, but it does not work as expected. As per training supplement manual, I should be able to adjust the commanded vertical speed for example while holding the button and changing the plane's attitude.
  4. I just noticed that selected heading and altitude survive an avionices shutdown, just not a new session / flight. Based on what you said, I guess they should also reset when the avionics are powered down?
  5. Makes sense. Thanks for the feedback!
  6. First of all, thank you for this wonderful plane. The sounds are amazing, it's fun to hand-fly and has an interesting avionics stack. I've flown it a lot over the past few days and noticed some issues that I would like to point out here. Items not saved between sessions: fuel squawk code AC temp switch position SC/CP selection selected heading selected altitude For the last 3, I'm not sure how the real unit behaves, but as the course is persistent, it would make sense for the heading to be persisted as well. Missing sounds: "1000 to go" alert alert when reaching minimums when in an outside view, the cargo doors have no sound if the main doors are closed (they do have a sound if the main doors are open!) Unnecessary sounds: The flap lever makes a sound even if it can't be moved further, e.g. when flaps are up and "1" is pressed. Speedbrake toogle command: The toggle command for the speedbrake does not toggle. It only retracts the speedbrake. Readings in the nose compartment: I guess these aren't modeled to by dynamic yet, but both readings with needles being in the red had me worried during my first walkaround. Maybe you could at least set the into the green. Font on ALT presel window: The font width is inconsistent between digits leading to digits "jumping around" a few pixels (observable when switching from 2300 to 2400 for example). Feature request: Reference ring with speed bugs on the airspeed indicator: As per "kinds of operations equipment list", this is required for single pilot operations and would integrate well with the new performance calculations. Looking forward to future updates and many more hours in the CJ!
  7. Hi, first of all thanks for the great aircraft. I have a lot of fun flying it. One thing I noticed is the absence of the fan noise when turning on the electric master again after previously having it turned off. Steps to reproduce: 1. Load the DA40 cold and dark 2. Turn on the master switch 3. Start the engine (let it run for approx. 10 seconds) 4. Shut down the engine 5. Turn off the master switch 6. Turn on the master switch Expected behavior: Hearing the fan noise again Actual behavior: No fan noise audible Note that just turning the electric master on -> off -> on without starting the engine inbetween leads to the expected behavior: The fan noise is audible (Although the "start up" phase of the fans seems to be missing). Now that I've tried it again, I did get a fan sound after only having the engine running for a very short time. Turning the master off and on again resulted in fan noise for about half a second followed by a spool down sound after which no more fan sounds can be heard, no matter what I do. Could the issue be timing-related? I would appreciate if you could look into this as sound is an important factor for immersion in my opinion.
  8. Update: The ATS works just fine with non-persistent mode. The ATS FAIL is there as soon as I turn on the APU GENs. I will just use a new airframe for tonight. I have the old one saved in case someone wants to debug further, but as long as the new one works, the issues is resolved for me. Thanks again for your help.
  9. Sure, I'll check my key binding for the TOGA, try in non-persistent mode and make another video if the behavior still shows then. Thanks for your help so far, everyone!
  10. So pressing the buttons at the front of the throttles to clear the FAIL message and then pressing the TOGA button on the throttles? That didn't work for me...
  11. I set up the plane as I usually would and made a short video showing the cockpit state at the point ATS is mentioned in the after start checklist.
  12. TO was set if that's what you meant. Anything else to look for?
  13. Just wanted to fly the Challenger after some time and after engine start, I can't get the ATS to work (neither the small green light nor the ATS screen is lighting up). I've followed the check lists for cockpit preparation and engine start. Any idea what I could be missing?
  14. Great to hear this bug is already known. Which one of the 2 is the more accurate then?
  15. I noticed that the TTGs shown on the PFD (in the section with info for the current waypoint) and the MFD (section with the next few waypoints) differ (see attached screenshot). How can that be explained? Are they using different speeds to calculate the time to go?
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