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Everything posted by Fred28

  1. Yes, everythings become wrond during the flight. The instruments has frozen suring the flight and airspeed indicator became wrong during the flight too. When arrived at destination airport and totally stopped at the stand, I noticed that airspeed indicator was still at 130 Kt.
  2. OK thanks. Will try a second flight. wait and see
  3. Yes, Everything was fine during most of the flight. But it suddenly stop working
  4. Hi, Just made my first flight with MU2. Great plane but noticed some strange things. During the flight, all avionic has frozen, except airspeed but with wrong information. On groung, plane parked, indicated airspeed is still at 130 Knots. And during flight Variometer and altimeter stopped working (on stand at 15 ft, altimerter still indicate 9420 ft) With using RXP GTN750 , Left HSI needle was always offbeat. Is there something I made wrong ? Regard, Frederic
  5. Hi, Is there a solution on going for this issue ? Every time I fly on IVAO with this wonderfull plane, i have to explain to ATC there is a concern with altimetry.
  6. Hello, I have an issue to install the new 1.4.1 update. During install process I have an error message that indicate "Error while reading ZIP file. F:/*********/Gizmo64.zip The application application will exit now" I tried to reinstall v1.3.1 (i keeped install files) but download seems to be not available any more. So the CL650 no longer available on my X-plane What can I do ? Fred
  7. however, I was still in the green zone. At minimum value, but value still written in green
  8. OK . I feel really stupid Thanks for your help
  9. I set the trim at 3 as mentioned in check list
  10. Hello Despite using the check list, I regularly get a warning message during taking off. When accelerating, I get a red CONFIG STAB message until the wheels leave the track. Probably a mistake of mine, but don't understand what it could be. Any idea ? Regards,
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