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  1. OK, Thank you for the tech support. I'm having a great time with the Challenger. I've flown it round the world etc. It's awesome
  3. I am finding that if I try to delete a hold in the flight plan, the fms deletes the waypoint it is based on too. What is the proper procedure to delete a hold that I programmed in earlier ? I am referring to holds programmed way down the flight plan that I haven't reached yet.
  4. Am I right in assuming that the ATK ETA function on the fix page allows the user to enter a zulu time and that a white dot appears on the flight plan showing where on the route the aircraft will be at that time ?
  5. Y96 is a valid low altitude airway according to the navigraph desktop charts app and the aircraft FMS allowed me to enter it in the Flightplan (as it's using the navigraph data). Its interesting that deleting Y96 fixed the issue though. Maybe the issue is with the navigraph data ?? Anyway, I'm having a great time with the CL650 - its awesome. I don't think I've ever seen such a level of system simulation and attention to detail.
  6. log.txt and CL650_Log.txt attached CL650_Log.txt Log.txt
  7. Sorry for my ignorance but where do I find the log from the CTD ?
  8. I am programming in a flight plan in the fms and getting a reproducable CTD at exactly the same step (7 times in a row) The flight plan is as follows: EGPL DCT SUPIT DCT TOBMO Y958 BRUCE L602 GOW DCT TLA Y96 NATEB DCT EGNT so far so good....... then I input the departure runway EGPL R24 and destination runway EGNT R25 ...... now is the step that has caused a CTD 7 times in a row - I input "NATEB/-5" and click on the NATEB waypoint - instant CTD I have tried using a new airframe and tried inputting the route via simbrief but as soon as I I input "NATEB/-5" and enter it in the FMS I get CTD I have used along track waypoints with this aircraft many times in the last few days without problems. This is my only experience of CTD's with this aircraft. I am happy to supply further info if required.
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