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Posts posted by skyman_1910

  1. I'm struggling the same. Like @adf714mentioned, the takeoff / rotation is the hardest part for me too. I'm able to start an initial rotation at around 3° / second or even less than that and suddenly it's rocketing to 15° and stays there initially like it's limited to that 15°. After that every small movement results in an aggressive pitch movement. Is it really meant to be like that? Don't really have that much of a problem with other stages of flight. I can handfly it just fine and landings aren't a problem at all. Takeoff trim is in the 5-6 area.

    I'm using a Thrustmaster Warthog stick with 0% on the elevator sensitivity slider. Looking forward to getting a Fulcrum Yoke soon but am expecting a similar behavior to be honest.

    Kind regards and thanks for this awesome piece of art,


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