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Posts posted by DanielR

  1. Hi,

    Situation: Host on XP12, left seater. Myself on XP11, right seater

    We've done two flights in shared cockpit now. Both times we had signficant scenery offset,
    even though having the same scenery installed from gateway today.

    cockpit view on short final ENSB 28

    Any clues what could be the reason for that?

    Unfortunately haven't been able to fly with someone also on XP11 to verify wether this is really
    an XP12<->11 issue.

  2. On 3/8/2022 at 3:14 AM, Rastuasi said:

    It's not a matter of "reading out" he will. If you have your hints on, it'll show a . in the top bar. Basically, once you hit that, the FO waits for the APU to fully warm up and then he'll proceed. It generally takes 2 minutes and you do not have to manually mark anything complete.

    Thanks, now got it. Hopefully getting to fly the CL650 this weekend finally again and will confirm.

  3. Hi,

    the quick turn-around checklist has the item FMS FUEL USED - RESET:


    What am I supposed to do there? The used fuel quantities on the FUEL PRED page seem to be immune to any reset attempts via CLR/DEL. Not even resetting the FMS via STATUS page and flipping navdata base clears those counters (they do auto-clear later, I think when starting engines again or around that time).

    Best regards,

  4. https://i.imgur.com/LOimlZ3.png

    This is IPKAM2Z for ILS S 24 into LIRN. I've manually modified altitude constrait at BENTO from 7500A to 7500, don't be surprised.

    We're seeing that the lateral track RN411-BENTO seems to be completely off. The correct track is a right turn (DF leg) into BENTO after overflying RN411:


    FMS navdata coding seems to be ok-ish (at least it's CF-DF conformal to AIP):

    STAR:010,5,IPKA2Z,RW24,IPKAM,LI,E,A,E   , ,   ,IF, , , , , ,      ,    ,    ,    ,    , ,     ,     ,     , ,   ,    ,   ,LIRN,LI,P,A, , , , ;
    STAR:020,5,IPKA2Z,RW24,RN411,LI,P,C,EY  , ,   ,CF, ,BAR,LI,D, ,      ,2669,0936,1290,0036, ,     ,     ,     , ,   ,    ,   , , , , , , , , ;
    STAR:030,5,IPKA2Z,RW24,BENTO,LI,P,C,EE H, ,   ,DF, , , , , ,      ,    ,    ,    ,    , ,     ,     ,     , ,   ,    ,   , , , , , , , , ;

    The 39.3NM trackmiles between RN411 and BENTO are far off. Interestingly, the vertical profile seems to be fine, with around 1850ft to lose between RN411 and BENTO on a 3° descent path. So the vertical profile seems to calculate a different lateral track internally?!

    I can't say what the bird would have flown as I got a DCT BENTO.

    Best regards,

  5. The problem is that X-Plane 11 doesn't have a global weather model, just a local weather bubble. Tools like ASXP just update this local bubble all the time. So X-Plane has no clue what weather you have 200NM away from your current position, so aircrafts can't pull that info from X-Plane. I think this is supposed to change in XP12.

    Until then, the only option for aircrafts is to pull that data from external sources like real-world Internet-accessible sources, ASXP or... (and that would be my preference) from the SimBrief OFP which contains wind data for every fix in the FPL. So, if the user downloaded a FPL from SimBrief, CL650 already parses the OFP XML anyway, so it has the wind data readily at the fingertips, to use on a subsequent WIND REQ.

    By taking the SimBrief-supplied wind data, this would match most closely an actual pilot entering the per-fix wind data from the OFP, just done automatically, which then matches the planned performance and thus fuel data.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I don't understand that argument. In what scenario does it make sense to go through the taxi checklist, enabling TCAS prematurely, and not going through before takeoff checklist?

    To quote https://skybrary.aero/articles/tcas-ii-activation:


    However, present-generation TCAS equipment may cause interference to radar surveillance systems, which operate in the same frequency band (1030-1090 MHz), and to other (airborne) TCAS systems. Because of this, it is very important that aircraft only select their TCAS to TA/RA when approaching the holding position for their departure runway or, if so desired, when approaching to cross an active runway during taxiing. In the latter case, the setting must revert to ‘Transponder Only’ once clear of the active runway. It is equally important that TA/RA is deselected as soon as possible after clearing the landing runway. This circumstance is addressed in ICAO PANS-OPS Doc 8168 (and also the ACAS Manual Doc 9863) where it is recommended that TCAS II not be operated (at all) whilst taxiing.

    This is pretty clear. Enablement of TCAS in the before-taxi checklist is, sorry, plain wrong and against strong real-world recommendations.

    STDBY on parking, ALT ON for taxi, TA/RA when entering any runway, back to ALT ON after leaving runway, STDBY on parking.

    I'm really interested what scenario made you deviate from that.

  7. Hi,

    the "after start" checklist asks for the transponder/TCAS mode set to TA/RA. As per the procedures I'm used to, shouldn't this be ALT ON instead?

    TCAS is being enabled (TA/RA) only when entering the runway, not already on taxi-out?! The "before takeoff" checklist has ATC TA/RA, so this would be redundant if already done in the "after start" flow - another indication that the "after start" one is probably wrong.

    Best regards,

  8. 2 hours ago, oisin650 said:

    I agree it would be nice and realistic, but X-Plane will throw an error message if you alter the in-built data. Hopefully in XP12 we'll be able to have two Navigraph databases at once. 

    I'm not into the XP11 inner workings, so excuse my ignorance. You're saying that with XP11, an aircraft can only use either the XP11 built-in database (default data) or a single user-supplied database (custom data), not any arbitrary database located somewhere in the filesystem (like the Navigraph database backups)? Trying to confirm my understanding what you're implicating.

    If so, it's obviously not an option with XP11, unfortunately...

  9. Hi,

    it looks like the checklist sequencing via the CCP and the joystick CL650/checklist/check_item et al functions each have their own sequencing state.

    Example: Lets say I have completed the "engine shutdown" checklist after a flight via joystick controls to advance it to the end (announciation "next checklist: securing") and I then use the CCP to select the Quick-Turnaround checklist, the next check_item action on the joystick won't check the first Quick-Turnaround checklist item, but push the checklist system into the securing aircraft checklist.

    Even if I check the first Quick Turnaround checklist item via the CCP (pushing the DATA rotary) with resulting first line going green, the next joystick check_item will return me to the securing checklist instead of checking off the 2nd Quick Turnaround item.

    While we're at it, I'd kindly request to implement a "Go to next checklist" joystick action so one can go through the checklist forward/backward without triggering the virtual FO in some checklist to actually start doing stuff as he's got action items in the first checklist slots. Currently, I have to make sure I only use the "Go to previous checklist" mapping to avoid those accidents.

    Thanks for consideration.

    Best regards,

    • Like 1
  10. On 1/28/2022 at 3:12 PM, oisin650 said:

    The secondary database is the default X-Plane one. Unfortunately there is no way to update this. 

    But you could perhaps use the backups created by the Navigraph FMS updater? So one always has the last cycle's database available as backup, in case there are problems with the current one? That'd be nice and quite realistic usage.

    • Like 1
  11. What Sean means are what are commonly called "along track waypoints" (without "offset"). "Offset" is what's usually called a lateral offset left/right of the planned track (not before/after what Sean thinks of), also referred to in application as SLOP (Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure) employed over the atlantic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_lateral_offset_procedure

    I haven't found the CL650 FMS to be capable of flying an offset, at least HS's rendition of it.

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