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  1. I gave up for a while last night but I'm trying the exact same route again today and, at least for now, NAV is working. I saw there was some other similar crashes and I'm thinking that I *possibly* had a discontinuity between DILLO that was loaded with flight plan uplink and DILLO that the STAR loaded. I'm also not sure if I accidentally had my nav sources on VOR/LOC and if that could've been an issue.
  2. Never had this happen before but it just happened 3 times in a row. If I pressed NAV the sim would stutter, resume like everything is fine, then hard crash a few seconds later. This is the route I was on KLAX DOTSS2 CNERY DCT BLH DCT SALOM DCT EWM DCT FUSCO DCT DILLO LAIKS3 KAUS with a departure from runway 25L at LAX and I already had ILS 18L programmed for AUS. The first two crashes I was on the ground; the first was directly before starting the engines and the second was directly after. The 3rd time was just after raising the gear and flaps, somewhere airborne below 1000 feet. For the 2nd and 3rd crashes, I just reloaded the sim into the state my aircraft was in before the crash. Also, not sure if it would affect anything, but the first two crashes I pressed the button bound to the NAV command on my Honeycomb Bravo, the 3rd I pressed the digital button on the glareshield in the sim. CL650_Log.txt Log.txt
  3. The F/O-side MFD/PFD, integral lighting, and flood lighting knobs have "BRT" and "OFF" on opposite sides than the captain's side but they dim/brighten in the same direction as the captain's side.
  4. Great, thank you!!
  5. I'm fairly certain it's possible (think I remember it in the streams) but I haven't been able to figure out how to use the wind uplink for my route. I checked the FMS PRIMER but I can't find anything about winds. Do I just need to do the winds aloft request for some points on one FMS and manually input them on the other? Thanks!
  6. The suggested setup for MFD1 includes the "Window VNAV On". I don't see a mention of that in the FMS primer and was wondering how to turn it on.
  7. Literally the title.
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