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  1. hi , It works ! I download and reinstall the corvalis. the problem was that I pushed the FLP button on the left display because the one on the right was not surrounded by a yellow square and for me it meant an inactive key ! sorry to have disturbed you for a so stupid thing ! best regards Etienne
  2. Hi Jim, 1.) the 1.3 version (when I have downloaded it) NEVER runs ok (no ready pad key available). after updating Gizmo I had the readypad 2.) here are the exact keys I pushed: A) Making a plan from the beginning: FLP (left)->INIT(RP=ReadyPad)->DirectTo(RP) : Nothing is displayed in "ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN", no waypoint appears then ->small FMS knob to the right -> pop up window "waypoint information, IDENT,FACILITY,CITY" but nothing displayed into it. The keyboard of the RP seems to be active (yellow squares) but no keys react at all. Loading a flight plan LOAD(RP)->output->fms plan->Brussels airport to Lille lesquin.fms -> ouvrir (open) and then I have only this . 3.) Windows7 32 bits 4.)X-PLANE 9.7 I try to download the Corvalis again but your website don't want. I buy Corvalis the 09/04/11, the links expires 09/06/11 (it's very soon) and it remains me 178 downloads but I can't download anymore ?? Best regards Etienne
  3. Hi everybody, I have big problems with the Corvalis 1.3 First, I have updated Gizmo because I could not display the ReadyPad before. Now, 1°) I have two tracks (red lines) when I load a flight plan. (see picture) 2°) I can’t get any information concerning the flight plan (no step by step in the alphanumeric display) while all the Readypad keyboard is active (yellow squares). 3°) I cannot make a flight plan from scratch, because I cannot input alphanumeric apt, or vor, or ndb, or fix or…). I have read the “change to poh and tutorial for entering a waypoint in the FMS” tutorial but nothing works (ReadyPad seems locked, no information displayed) 4°) The keys “Terrain” and “topo” don’t work anymore. I come from the French forum x-plane.fr who sends me to you. Can you help me please ? Best regards and sorry for my bad English Etienne
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