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  1. Cameron, Ben, Thank you both for your replies. Yes, it was when I installed the Piaggio Avanti that I got that plugin. That explains it. Thanks for your replies. Ben, yes clicking it does clear it, it's just in the same position as two other plugin info boxes that only load at startup, so with it there, I can't read any of them. No big deal. Thanks again.
  2. Ben, it's not that I need an "old version of Gizmo", but in my case, Gizmo64 keeps notifying me with a popup that there is a new version and I need to update. I've been checking your site for a few months now, but on your Gizmo page, there isn't a link to download a new version, or any version of the Gizmo64 plugin. I would like to update mine. I have version 20.07.0120. If there is a new version out there, could you please post a link where I can download it? Every link I find to download it either takes me to Threshold, where this is also no link to download the package, or to your Gizmo page, where there is also no link to download the package anymore. If nothing else, could you at please advise me on how to turn off the popup that keeps telling me to download the new version? It covers other plugin status notifications and I can't figure out a way to move it out of the way. Oh, you had, in another thread, advised me to "rerun my product installer to get the update", but that didn't tell me which product installer you were advising me to rerun. I didn't get an installer with my original download of Gizmo64. It was just a Zip file to unpack and drop in plugins. I did drop in a fresh copy of that from my backup drive, but that didn't make the notification go away. I assume that's because that's the same version I already have. Thanks.
  3. Are there any plans to update this to XP11.55? I'm a long time user of Micosoft sims, but fairly new to X-Plane, so I don't know how to use or modify aircraft or scenery in X-Plane yet. If it's not going to be updated, could someone please list what modifications need to be made to get it to work in 11.55? (I'm referring to EZFox's comments from 2019 regarding World Editor)
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