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  1. Hi IXEG Team! I hope you don’t mind me posting here. I’ve been a loyal fan of the IXEG 737-300 and purchased it back in 2016, just after its release. Over the years, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed flying it in X-Plane 11, and I was excited to hear about the X-Plane 12 update. However, I unfortunately missed the opportunity to use the discount that was offered to existing X-Plane 11 users. At the moment, I can’t afford to purchase the updated model at full price. I completely understand that the discount period has ended, and I’m absolutely not asking for anything for free — I would just love to know if there’s still any way to get access to the discount or if there are any planned sales in the future. I genuinely appreciate all the work you and your team have put into the IXEG 737, and I would love to continue flying it in X-Plane 12. Thank you for your time and attention, and I’d be grateful for any information. Best regards, Nick
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