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  1. any news / updates on this topic?
  2. Hello, 1 step further ... I can see now the G5 PFD (that is the only instrument I need, don`t need the HSI) in a popup window, but not integrated in the panel. When clicking on the PA46 Panel, Popoup window goes behind the Panel Window. Attached please find the .cfg file which is in the following root of my X-Plane Installation: X-Plane/Aircraft/PiperMalibuPA46/Plugins/G5/settings Also attached please find a picture of how it looks like wit this .cfg file. You can see that the G5 is also in different parts of the Panel ... again: thanks a million for your support here ... highly appreciate it! acfConfig.cfg
  3. Hi "Torquesim" (whoever the name behind is ... :-)) many thanks for your quick reply - I will try that way. Is there a possibility to send you my .cfg File for crosscheck via Mail - otherwise I can attach it to the forum Post regards Martin
  4. Hello, I`ve run the G5 Installer and it seems that the G5 is installed on my PA46 from Carenado. But not in the correct position, correct size, etc.. How can I adjust the device settings now. Installation Manual is not clear (for me). And yes, I have the installation instruction, etc. but sorry, hard to read for me regards & thanks in advance Martin
  5. Hello, I`ve bought the G5 SW and also installed successfully in X-Plane11 (latest version). A/C is Piper Malibu PA46 of Carenado. G5 is visible, but behind the cockpit (some details are visible in the Engine Monitor display, some details are visible in the WXR Display ... hmmm. a) Any idea? b) is there a documentation available? thanks Martin
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