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  1. In the checklist it says that before introducing fuel the ITT should be below 120C. However even on a one hour turnaround or sometimes overnight stop I come to the aircraft with an ITT sitting at 190C. What is the recommended procedure here? Dry running the starter? Thanks
  2. I stepped away during cruise and came back to a CTD. Backtrace: 2022-01-27 11:39:26 OpenGPWS[safe_alloc.h:38]: assertion "p != NULL" failed: Cannot allocate 62919459 bytes: out of memory Backtrace is: 0 00007FFE3B43478C C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll+000000000004478C () 1 0000000081C6E325 E:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\OpenGPWS\win_x64\OpenGPWS.xpl+000000000003E325 (__libacfutils_decompress_7z+215) 2 0000000081C51C72 E:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\OpenGPWS\win_x64\OpenGPWS.xpl+0000000000021C72 (dsf_init+192) 3 0000000081C38BE0 E:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\OpenGPWS\win_x64\OpenGPWS.xpl+0000000000008BE0 (load_nrst_dem_tiles+9a0) 4 0000000081C3ABF5 E:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\OpenGPWS\win_x64\OpenGPWS.xpl+000000000000ABF5 (load_dem_worker+1c5) 5 0000000081C5E368 E:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\OpenGPWS\win_x64\OpenGPWS.xpl+000000000002E368 (worker+108) 6 0000000081C5E66F E:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\OpenGPWS\win_x64\OpenGPWS.xpl+000000000002E66F (_lacf_thread_start_routine+f) 7 00007FFE3D5C54E0 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+00000000000154E0 () 8 00007FFE3DF0485B C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+000000000000485B () --=={This application has crashed!}==--Log.txt (Art controls are modified.)CL650_Log.txt Both log files attached
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