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  1. Hi Jan, Thank you for your help, got to the bottom of it. The left brake binding was misconfigured and therefore causing the left brake to show as engaged in the Data Output. All fixed now, thank you again. Happy New Year! James
  2. Morning All, Been trying to fly this aircraft a few times now, without success. When I first bought the aircraft, I had no issues and when I upgraded to the new version again no issues until recently. Whenever I try to taxi the aircraft, the aircraft will not move forward or right, but the aircraft will move left using the tiller. Also having issues using Better Pushback where after brake release, it will not move backwards and this is using the new version of BP which has been recently released and upgraded for XP12. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Hardware: Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo Saitek Rudder Pedals Log.txt
  3. Morning, Does anyone have a working profile for SAM GroundService? The one from XP11 does not work as SAM does not recognise it unfortunately. Thanks!
  4. Afternoon, Firstly, congratulations on an amazing product. It's taken me several hours to even get to grips on the ground before taking off. I have noticed in flight though that with the Flight Spoiler stowed, it still interferes with XPRealistic as the 'Speed Brake Drag' function if active will produce shaking and the associated drag sound. I have tried disarming the Flight Spoiler but to no avail. Of course it shouldn't be producing this effect if the Flight Spoiler is stowed but XPRealistic seems to think it is deployed to produce the sound and effects? Thanks, James
  5. A new X-Plane fresh install seems to of got it working again Thanks, James
  6. HI Jan, My O/S language is English. Windows 7, 64 bit. I use X-Plane through steam, so point the installer to the 'common' path and then the 'X-Plane 11' folder. It creates another 'X-Aviation' folder with the uninstaller in the root of X-Plane, but I think this is correct as this was there prior too when the aircraft was working. Thanks, James
  7. Hi All, My 737 has been working fine up until today. Upon loading, I get the 'Unsupported File Path' error message as described in other threads. I've confirmed that my file path is 'X-Plane11 - 'Aircraft' - 'X-Aviation' - 'IXEG 737 Classic'. I've tried a fresh install, deleting the old folders before re-installing again but to no avail. Error message doesn't appear until after activation with a fresh install. Thanks, James
  8. Any chance of Oryx Jet 9H-ZAK please? https://www.planespotters.net/airframe/boeing-737-300-9h-zak-oryx-jet/e94wpr
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