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About lasagna

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. lasagna


    Good point.
  2. lasagna


    I was not previously aware that every unit of transfer increased the cost of the hosting services. It makes more sense now. But if so few people need repeat downloads, why is it such a concern? According to the price structures at http://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/, data transfer is billed on a per-gigabyte basis, unlike more conventional web hosting which has a tiered pricing structure. If 1% of customers who have bought RealScenery scenery products re-downloaded their purchased scenery, how much extra would it cost?
  3. lasagna


    How do increased restrictions on multiple downloads make it easier to provide the best product at the best price? The way I see it, increased restrictions just make everything more difficult for users.
  4. There is an X-Plane podcast here, but there has only been one episode so far.
  5. The view that you are looking for can be accessed by selecting the second occurrence of 'Circle: Shift/Arrows' in the view menu (at least if the aircraft has a 2D panel).
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