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  1. Mine is just the same with you , the activation lasts forever. Usually it shouldn't take more than 30 seconds
  2. Thanks, I'll give it a try
  3. hello guys: Congratulations to ixeg 737 for xplane12. but my ixeg 737 for xplane 11 can't be activated nowadays for some reasons I don't know. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds get the bird activated but it stay on the page of activation forever
  4. I am convinced by what you said. Thank you
  5. Really ? That is soemthing, thank you. I am enlightened. But it is not easy to control anyway. Is there a parameter I could edit to slow the aircraft?
  6. I'm not sure whether this topic has been discussed and resolved before, but it definitely baffles me quite a lot for some time. As the title says, IXEG 737 taxis too fast when on ground even though the throttle is at idle. If I just let the aircraft go without braking quite a lot, the taxi speed could easily exceed 20, it just keeps going up and up. I need to brake when trying slow the speed. By the way, I don't have any flying equipment , just mouse and keyboard. All I hope to do is control the speed on ground. But it usually goes like this, Ground speed goes up to 20or more when I loose the brake. I believe when the throttle is at idle, the aircraft should stay where it is. When I push the throttle lever a little bit forward, the aircraft move forward. That should be logical and reasonable.
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